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24 contributions to The LeadGen Lab
Pay Per Call Examples?
I am gearing up to adapt my current funnel to do a pay per call option (been using leadshook form entry exclusively up until now). This may seem like a silly ask but any recommendations for resources on how to actually get the prospects to phone? ๐Ÿค” Yeah, I know, put the number on the page and say "call now" would be a start ๐Ÿคฃ Right now, I think we do a good job of building up value in getting the to fill out the form, but that gives them a quote. It could be as simple as just offering them the quote but they call for it instead of entering details? That will be what I test initially anyway and go from there. Initial thoughts/ideas: - Include a nice friendly avatar pic of someone who will be taking their call - Lay out the bullet points of what will happen on the call and how they will benefit. - Express that it will be a no pressure environment where they can get their quote and options
New comment Jul 18
0 likes โ€ข Jul 18
your point: Include a nice friendly avatar pic of someone who will be taking their call don't put anything fake, no fake testimonials...etc .. but yes TY telling the process and what to expect...common. Don't be surprised though.. many CALL funnels are stupid simple. if you do say.. google call ads, no landing page needed...etc. its just ads Note that when setup correct you'll be able to collect the phone # from the caller send to your CRM....etc. This can be real helpful when say you hit your buyer cap or they are cap'd for the day and you still have calls coming in not getting sold... can SMS them and get them back into a funnel. There's lots of tricks... but some like to keep it simple and avoid all the crap...if you have a product that has a high margin for you then you can worry less about squeezing every penny out and just move on
0 likes โ€ข Jul 18
You must have liked that course with Adam? :)
Selling the Dream?
When you ask someone if they or "I" have successfully done โ€œXโ€ to give yourself confidence, you might be misleading yourself. Just because someone else has succeeded or failed at something doesn't mean you will achieve the same result. Your own drive and perseverance are what will determine your success or failure. Period. I've been in this industry for over 30 years, and I've fallen for shiny object syndrome too. But I'm also an information sponge; it's a hobby to dive into many things, though it's getting harder with The Trap of Following Trends I see people registered in countless groups (not knocking it), but it often indicates they donโ€™t know what they want and are hoping someone else's success will spill over to them. It doesnโ€™t work that way, folks. People who can't decide between SMMA or AI (AAA) and other buzzwordsโ€”I get it, I really do. But you need to step back and understand what these are, how they operate, and whether they fit your desired lifestyle. Learn from others, but chart your OWN path if you want to succeed. The Realities of SMMA, AI, and SEO SMMA can be complex and a headache, with many people being misled. AI or AAA (AI Automation Agency) is laughable to me. I've built a 30-year career on automation and software development, and seeing people fall for the latest fad is disheartening but not surprising. Are any of these bad? No, it depends on you. Look at SEO (now part of SMMA); you canโ€™t be a true SEO expert and master everything else unless youโ€™re me, of course...JUST KIDDING. These skills take time, trial and error, and a lot of work. You donโ€™t just wake up one morning, pay a guru $5k, and suddenly become an SEO, SMMA, AAA, or any other trendy term. Making an Informed Decision My point is, you need to understand these different technologies and business models to make an informed decision about whether theyโ€™re right for youโ€”then COMMIT. Stop hopping around until youโ€™ve spent 1,000 hours and $10,000+ investing in making it work.
New comment Jul 18
2 likes โ€ข Jul 17
@Benoit Piette Assess your skills.. strengths and weaknesses, be honest with yourself about it and then decide which of your skills makes you the happiest and then try to fit that with a business model and you will never have a job.
What are your experiences with DBR campaigns?
A lot of leadgen go to DBR campaigns with gohighlevel and AI. Did you already made one and what are the results ? tks
New comment Jul 14
0 likes โ€ข Jul 13
DBR is the fancy name for spamming your old list ;) This has been done for decades now. But since Rob Bailey coined the name DBR ( Database Reactivation ) it turned it into catch phrase that doesn't scare folks away as much. ;) Now we all have mobile phones, so DBR to texting became a thing and so now did all the data protection laws. I started 'spamming' back in 1995. ;) Now we are faced with rules and laws that can get us in some hot water, so the need to be aware and take steps to protect yourself and your client are important. Ask Frank Kern or Anik Singal ( just to name a few ) how it feels to get clapped by the FTC. And yep.. lot of folks doing DBR and not being careful. Just recently a solo lead gen lost a battle with the FCC for only $1.5MM .... so.. just be complaint and careful. Tons of Solar companies sued and shutdown for robocall issues....etc. So.. DBR is a goldmine, just have to do it compliantly and you'll have great success. ;)
To be or NOT to be (Solar) that is the question.. ๐Ÿค”
I've gone with Solar as my first venture in offering DBR. Many of these solar dudes seem to have large lists of aged leads (50k+). Converting even 1% could be significant for me, but I'm worried these lists might be the epitome of low quality. Has anyone found success with similar lists, or was it a waste of time and resources? What has been your experience with the Solar industry in general?
New comment Jul 15
1 like โ€ข Jul 12
@Chris Pelaez nice! Do keep us posted on this!
1 like โ€ข Jul 13
@Benoit Piette why?
Advertorial > Email Capture vs Capture phone no++
I'm going to run a test in the coming days to attempt to improve lead quality from my Advertorial. Currently, I run cold Facebook traffic to a single page advertorial and on the advertorial there is a "calculator" lead capture set up with Leadshook. The client enters ALL of their details including their address, phone number, email and info to get their property calculation. Only once they enter everything, do they get their calculation. They also have to agree to receive a call from an adviser upon entering their phone number. This has largely worked really well for me for years at this point, with minimal need to update copy or funnels. But the quality has been slipping a lot lately so I need to test something different. My idea/plan is to test the same advertorial funnel but removing phone number requirement as well as address etc. Only taking the details needed for the calculation and email. Following that, I will provide the calculation instantly BUT also then offer the call from the adviser (need a good no brainer reason for them to go for this) and have a drip feed campaign to follow up via email to provide useful info and keep asking them to opt in for the call. My assumption is that the conversion rate when only asking for email will dramatically increase and anyone who takes the extra step to request the call will be a "hot lead" and extremely engaged/interested. Any thoughts or ideas welcome :)
New comment Jul 13
1 like โ€ข Jul 12
@Nick Ferrara Native is a whole other world, takes more money for the to get it rolling... but after a couple weeks you can usually have it dialed down to the best performing placements then its game over... set it and forget it
0 likes โ€ข Jul 13
@Nick Ferrara are you familiar with Native at all? I would suggest Taboola, Revcontent if doing affiliate products. I may do a tutorial on the basics of Native and campaign setup, tracking setup. and Note, you'll best want to use a tracking solution when doing native for sure, you can use on your social or anything as well.. but a must for native because tracking placements...etc... is key .... recommend Binom for tracking. Many go with Volumm but Binom doesn't have limits. I would say the hardest part Native is getting the tech right ;)
1-10 of 24
Rob Olson
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Founder of The LeadGen Lab

Active 20h ago
Joined May 1, 2024
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