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Three Roads Tribe (Free)

Public • 114 • Free

6 contributions to Three Roads Tribe (Free)
Chase It Down
Never get comfortable and remember Sun Tzu "Opportunities multiply as they are siezed". I just passed my elevator inspection and next week the fire alarm. On a large construction project these are the main milestones to be considered complete. I have my second in command, a club brother working for me. I got a call from a head hunter 3 weeks ago. Interviewed with the company Monday, within 30 minutes they offerred me 25k more a year, company vehicle and other perks, and a project back in FL. A week from tomorrow I will basically pass my position to my brother, which will be a 10 month turnaround to tripling his income, roll out of NC back home to FL having doubled mine in the same period, and having burned no bridges. One year ago I was bored and decided I was not achieving my potential. I decided I wanted to get back into military projects. It was all a risk and I gave no fucks and did it, and in the process helped a brother with a big career upgrade. Never settle. Chase what you want, tackle it, and eat that mfr.
New comment Apr 19
Go all the way
Co-signed- Do not live half a life and do not die a half death If you choose silence, then be silent When you speak, do so until you are finished If you accept, then express it bluntly Do not mask it If you refuse then be clear about it for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance Do not accept half a solution Do not believe half truths Do not dream half a dream Do not fantasize about half hopes Half the way will get you no where You are a whole that exists to live a life not half a life. ~Khalil Gibran
New comment Apr 3
Happy Holidays!
We walk the Three Roads because we refuse to settle for the path offered by the weak, disconnected, and saboteurs of our power! So, whatever you celebrate... so long as you're grateful, moving, and hungry for more... I CAN DIG IT!
New comment Dec '23
Happy Holidays!
4 likes • Dec '23
Good Yule to all!
(Name/Nickname) Ryan Ramsey (Location) Outer Banks, NC but rural North Florida is home base aka Southern Command (Biggest Strength) I'm unstoppable and unbreakable, and naturally expose the fucked up people anywhere around me by driving them insane. I don't do anything but be authentic. It's distilled my tribe over the years to empower me. (Current "Future" Strength) Dealing with some rather insane and unbelievable events taught me so much about people it supercharged my career and I'm leading large groups of strangers doing high stakes dangerous work and crushing it. (What Inspired You to Join the TRT) I've got a 5 year plan to ditch the golden handcuff and ride into my 50s with a motorcycle tour business and get paid to do what I love. I was at the first PressureCon, and have regularly gained from watching/listening over the years, so when I was watching a recent video that mentioned this project I said hell yeah. Justin was talking in the video about not being stagnant and complacent, and constantly learning and refining skills. No lies detected. Clicked the link. Don't throw power I could use at the moment around and give me a means to gain some of you don't want me to show up.
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Nov '23
@Anthony Sepulveda Much love brother. It's been too long I'll be through there to see you guys. Send PressureCon deets
Allowing it to work
“They conceive it unworthy the grandeur of celestial beings to confine their deities within walls, or to represent them under a humansimilitude: woods and groves are their temples; and they affix names of divinity to that secret power, which they behold with the eye of adoration alone.” Tacitus On Germania 53 -117AD We have spent a lot of our time putting everything in a compartment so thatwe might use time as most effectively as possible. We have been conditioned to think that such a thing is also permissible withour faith. Much of it has to do with the novel concept of the separation fo church and state. A concept reinforced by the nightmarish themes we see carried out in certain states of the Middle East. States that have no such separation. But then again we see in South East Asia Hindu, Buddhist, and Shinto beliefs that work surprisingly well. The use of this thought in the founding of the United States had to do witha King who was also head of the church. A being with such power that he could make the decision to separate you fromthe practices of your faith. And so, we were given freedom. Instead of the inspired actions of a people guided by their faith we found what we deemed as successful by those individuals being compelled by law. Laws that attempt to govern the morals of men. If you take even a cursory look at all the great empires of the ancientworld you may notice one thing. That their faith was unbound. That it was not confined to simple Sunday services. That faith was a part of everyday life. Not a constant reminder that someone was going to do it for you, but the idea centered in the forefront of our thought process was that we had all the support we might ever need. That the development of self was as a tribute to the great gifts each of us may possess. That every action was in tune with the world they, and we, live in. The planting of garden, the herding of livestock, the raising of children,the celebration of visitors, the simple tasks become that playground of the imagination and was/is inherently a blessed act. How else could people survive such hardships of living? Such a life while it may possess a certain charm was not easy. There was work to be done. When one lived up to this task of living,there was the reward of abundance.
New comment Nov '23
3 likes • Nov '23
@Anthony Sepulveda Many of the founders of the country were deists summarized as: Knowledge* of God based on the application of our reason on the designs/laws found throughout Nature and the beautiful Universe. The designs presuppose a Designer. Deism is therefore a natural religion / spiritual philosophy and is not a "revealed" religion. The godless evolution theory starts literally with "Nothing exploded into everything". This is absurd IMO. Certainly as absurd and based on blind faith as any religion. I think that anyone claiming to know all the facts and purposes of our Creator is as respectable as a guy convinced he knows everything. Wisdom starts when you admit you don't. Spiritual health starts when you seek God(s) without the influence of anyone who claims to speak for him, hold the patent on his exact word in a book, It's sort of obvious to me that nature is where we get the closest. When I honor a holiday it's not exactly religious in the sense people have been conditioned to believe. These days were honored long before the written word and universally in all cultures before they ever had contact with each other. I am creating that connection through the ages, and ritualizing something all my forebearers back through thousands of years ritualized. It's a way to go to the roots of our humanity and commune with the ancestors in nature. The quest to know the purposes of the Allfather is an arrogant and futile endeavor in my opinion. Time isn't even real. What I can say without a doubt is whatever a man calls God(s), we absolutely can say that his will is evident in the laws of nature he set in motion. The primal act of lighting a fire in the wilderness with loved ones, giving appreciation to our Creator and the ones he created before us whom we have become their greatest hope, strong descendents who continued to be better and more prosperous and added some accomplishment to our bloodlines, who lived with honor and without oath breaking. To be a man who stands up for good when others won't, and stand against evil when others cower. This is my practice. And under the stars around family and tribe soaking in these ancient traditions, this is the closest we can be to those across the veil.
4 likes • Nov '23
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Ryan Ramsey
22points to level up
If you don't know who I am, just don't google me... and we will all be fine.

Active 113d ago
Joined Nov 27, 2023
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