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Impact-Creator School

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15 contributions to X Team
$5,000 per month writing about what you love online
Eyyyy what’s good! I talk a lot about how The Impact Creator Accelerator has the potential to change your life lately (a new version of Purpose-Based branding). To date: Savas used these methods to get over 7 paying clients in 30 days… Aidan (who won’t be an educator, but has helped build the program), has helped Ashley make over $40k online using the methods we teach… Then helped Julian make his first $1k online…. I’ve used them to make over $15k in the last few months working on what I love, every single day (which is more than double what I made in my 9-5 working 75H a week)…. Together, we used these methods to get 60+ monthly paying clients in our community in under 48h… And finally we used them for this exact program to make $5.6k in less than 10 days (and counting). All this to say that this sh*t works. Plain and simple. I LOVE to see how—if you take the principles and frameworks in The Impact Creator Accelerator, you can completely change your trajectory as an online writer, digital entrepreneur, or content creator. Seeing people able to find what they truly find meaningful… Then monetize that? I mean… I got no words. For example, before we helped Julian start making money online, he was a lost & confused. Posting daily, pitching daily, but getting no results. All because he didn’t truly enjoy what he was doing. The moment he found it? That’s when he started making money (by using these methods)… But not just making money, he loves his life more than anything in the world now. And at the end of the day—Isn’t that the goal? If Julian’s story reminds you of yourself, then it’s time to take ACTION. It’s not too late! You can still sign up for The Impact Creator Accelerator and get $500 off the regular price (spots are going fast… Only 8 left! (out of 15)) Reply to this email with “Impact” and I’ll send you over some more details. As usual - I love you, Euan PS... UPDATE! One of my students and friends, had NO IDEA what he wanted to monetize before… that made him hold back from buying anything like this…
New comment Jul 15
0 likes • Jul 15
Hail to Impact Creators!
Imagine working for 12 months without making any money...
That's how creating a personal brand is for most people. Why is that? Because they think growing an audience will make them money. However, growing your brand to even 1k followers takes months of effort. And there is actually an easier way: []~~~~~~~~~~~~[]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[] 1. Understand and solve common problems. Do that by asking people about their frustrations and troubles. If you ask you shall receive. []~~~~~~~~~~~~[]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[] 2. Create a step by step process that solves a bundle of those problems. This will be your offer. Make the transformation as specific as possible. People won't complain about the price if you make an offer that's specific to them. 3. Create content by using the pain points and desired transformation of the person you can help the most. This content will attract leads like flowers attract bees. []~~~~~~~~~~~~[]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[] 4. Validate if you can help a lead through DMs This will ensure you are talking to the right person. []~~~~~~~~~~~~[]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[] 5. Hop on a call with them to give extra value and make the sale If you followed the previous steps, you should now have a scheduled call with someone that: - Needs the transformation you are selling - Has the determination to achieve it - Is willing to pay and speed up the process. Now, all that's left is to convince them that you can actually provide that transformation. You do that by: - Explaining exactly how you are going to help them achieve it - Making them feel that you understand their problems []~~~~~~~~~~~~[]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[] Start making money fast, so you can quit everything else you are doing to sustain yourself and go full time on your brand. Then you can focus on getting followers and likes all you want(lol). This is a bird-eye view of the process that will turn your brand into an asset. If you have a skill and want to monetize a personal brand but you find yourself getting frustrated due to lack of results, comment "Me" and i will send you a DM with some extra juicy information.
If you are serious about creating Impact with your brand, read this:
As a co-founder of this community, i feel the responsibility to let you in on a big secret: "The number of your followers has nothing to do with how much money or impact you make". With only 1400 followers i have gotten 7 clients and co-founded a +50 members paid community. Instead of over-fixating on vanity metrics and engagement, brands that make actual impact focus on 3 things: 1. Develop your skills The more skilled you become at one particular discipline, the easier it becomes to position yourself as an authority on it and attract clients. The more skills you acquire, the bigger problems you can solve and the more impact you can make. 2. Create your own systems There are literally a gazillion of people who have already achieved part of what you want to achieve. There is absolutely no need for you to re-invent the wheel. Find people that have achieved what you want to achieve and study their: - Content strategies - Promotions - Funnels Take notes of the things that inspire you and replicate them with your own touch. Don't straight up copy them though, because that's unethical and inefficient. 3. Develop your authority brick by brick I was amazed by how easily you can sign someone as a client if you can just prove to them that the transformation you are offering actually works. And how do you do that? 3 ways: - Gather testimonials from people you have helped for free - Create transformation case-studies from people you have helped more extensively - Be a FOUNTAIN of value through DMS and Calls and show genuine care. By focusing your conscious attention on developing your skills, creating your own systems and developing your authority, you enable yourself to reach the next level. You are now ready to zoom in on the type of person that could benefit the most from your skillset, attract them with targeted content and over-deliver on them to repay their trust. Building an audience can take years, and it also depends on many factors that are outside of your control (the algorithm, the current meta etc)
New comment Jun 28
How I made $10,920 in 30 days
I used to believe the growth guru agenda… “Post 3x a day, comment 100x a day, send 20 DMs a day!” I wasted 6 months grinding doing this and made $0. It sucked. (Keep reading to learn what you should do instead) // I used to think you needed thousands of followers to make money and told myself “oh you’ll monetize eventually once you get some more followers”. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Then I said fuck that, and went all in on monetizing. 6 months later and my business is making $10,920/month. (consistently) Now if you’re smart your questions probably will be: - What did you change? - How did you monetize? - What is your business model? - WTF, I thought this group was about growing an audience on 𝕏? Great questions! Here’s the answers you have been looking for: The problem with growing an audience is that it takes YEARS not months to master. And even if you do master it, most creators with thousands of followers struggle to pay their bills… They didn’t learn how to monetize early on, and now all those months spent commenting and posting were wasted. They fell victim to the trap of cheap dopamine… The cheap dopamine trap: Increased engagement from spamming posts and comments that doesn’t actually result in any cash in the bank. Here’s the steps I took when I said fuck that and decided I wanted to earn cash, not likes with my time: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ STEP 1: Identify problems ━━━━━━━ Most people rave about ‘ideas’. But ideas are useless. Your. audience. does. not. care. about. your. ideas. They care about themselves, and how you can help them. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ STEP 2: Solve problems for free ━━━━━━━ Once you have found a common problem start solving it. (More on the best way to do this later) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ STEP 3: Collect Case studies ━━━━━━━ Every problem you solve for free is worth thousands of dollars. Why? You can use it to sign 10x the amount of paying clients later on. Likes ain’t cash. Case studies are cash. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ STEP 4: Build an offer
New comment Jul 10
How I made $10,920 in 30 days
1 like • Jun 21
How to force your brain to crave doing hard things
beep beep beep beep beep *Snooze* beep beep beep beep beep *Snooze* beep beep beep beep beep “Wow… 12pm already?!” How did I expect to get any results when I couldn’t even stay consistent with waking up? The short answer is I didn't wanna work. I didn't want to write tweets, or my newsletter, or my product. Laying in bed all day to watch Netflix was SOOOOO tempting (some days that's what I did hahaha). To get to my point... I LOVE my life now. I wake up excited, look forward to my day, and even want to get work done. And this mostly happened the moment I recognized one pattern in my life (I guarantee it’ll have the same effect on your life when you see it). You focus on starting, instead of started. Nobody hates their work when they've pushed through the initial phase of struggle to get through to the golden gates of flow. They simply don't. It's like riding a bike but on a smaller time frame... You hate it, you fall, you pick yourself back up, you go again. Until one day, you're rolling, and you're rolling at speeds you didn't even know possible. The same happens with your work. But instead of months of falling from your bike, it's only about 5 minutes. If you focus on the feeling of pedaling super fast with ease (working in flow), you'll want to get on your bike AND MF PEDAL! But if you focus on the falling? You simply won't. You may wonder, what if you've never experienced flow? Maybe you're just getting started, and have no reference point to focus your attention toward. Then what? That's where non-half-assness comes into play. i.e. actually try. If you haven't experienced flow, you haven't pushed yourself past the uphill battle, you've stayed there wondering what's at the top of the mountain instead of going to see for yourself. Whatever your work is, don't avoid it, face it and do it better. Don't try and do it, just do it. I can almost guarantee the moment you focus on being better you won't dread starting so much. And remember... Focus on started, not starting.
New comment Jun 1
1 like • Jun 1
Once you get a feel of the wind as you are pedaling with ease through the forest of creation, you will never go back to hate work again.
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Savas Christou
28points to level up
During the day I help people overcome procrastination and during the night I am a community founder.

Active 11h ago
Joined Feb 23, 2024
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