Boost your community engagement
Notes from Shana Lynn podcast (watch on YouTube) with Sam Ovens: đMost important elements in building a community: - Having a commune cause (culture, vision or purpose) - Defined believes and boundaries (identity) - Communication (one2one, one2many, each others) - Connection (starts from safety) đHow to measure safety: - Trust them first (say what you do and do what you say) - Integrity (authenticity) đSafety issue if this happens: - Members stops sharing there concerns, asking questions...(safety broken by leader or other members) - In that case leader responsibility is (as a group not to individual) to protect the community đFour phases to build a community: - Forming (uncertain phase): members are silent trying to figure out boundaries (like kids in playground for 1st time) - Storming: growth - Norming: protect community if rules broken (we don't do that here) - Performing: members start collaborating đNegative feedback is healthy: - Don't delete (because fear of spread...) negative comments if you want improvement - I you want to delete, open a new channel (phone call...) about this negative comment - Necessary iteration phase to build successful community (and the product...) - By nature we want things that we don't have - Beta stage (fixe bugs) that never ends (encourage feedback loop) đClarity: - Comes from strong leadership (if not you, so will be someone else) - Stops showing up (not replying to negative feedbacks, get bored, overwhelmed...) - Clear cause đAvoid the trap of being burnt: - Encourage colloboration between members (invite connections) - Create spaces for your community (platform, live event, zoom calls...): let members shine (being experts) - Encourage members retention by recognition (thanks for comments...) - Pay attention to your ego: I am the only expert - Pay attention to greed: It's mine (but it's about the members not you) - Want control (fear of being canceled...) - Difficult to maintain (under the gun to produce content like on Tik Tok...)