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the hang up.

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6 contributions to the hang up.
'Get straight to the point'
Today, have connected a lot with prospects who clearly sounded a little rushed but wanted me to get 'straight to the point'.. Depending on tone, my default is to push them away slightly saying that I'm happy to call back when it's a better time - but I've had prospects who have insisted. My gambit is 'If I told you we get invited into solve X, Y and Z - you're likely going to tell me that that's completely irrelevant and smashing it right?' I then get shutdown saying that 'theyre good' and then bam. Phone is slammed. Keen to hear how some of you approach this!
New comment Jun '23
1 like • Jun '23
@Callum Beecroft consider it removed 🤣
I don’t feel I’ve been around the block long enough to see this materialise yet but has anyone got to the point or has done so previously where they know effectively how many cold calls they need to do to close x amount of revenue a quarter/ year - is this kind of predictability even possible??
New comment Jun '23
0 likes • Jun '23
@Jamie Parmer be keen to hear this too! When I join the start up in months time, want to have some form of a framework to work out the MAFFs
Who has it worse
Having a particularly bad week for getting people to answer the phone. I'm hoping someone else's suffering will make me feel better about mine. Lets compare, whats an average dial:conversation ratio for you all? And (more importantly) what does your worst week for dial:conversation look like?
New comment Jun '23
2 likes • Jun '23
Went to an expo today, speaking to vendors that are a perfect fit for us - general chin wag and the such - potentially booking some meetings for me to properly qualify later down the line. At 10am, some douche spilt his whole pint over me. So I spent today speaking to prospects stinking of donkey piss...🙃
0 likes • Jun '23
@Jamie Parmer that's exactly where I was 😵‍💫
Funny moments?
When you cold call important people for a living you’ll find that funny things do come up in conversation. 👇🏽 I’ll steal a friends thunder here. After a relatively successful call to managing director who just sold his business. in response to hearing “one last question” he mirrored and said “oh one last thing.. what’s good looking and hangs up?” *click* What a legend. I couldn’t even withhold the laughter. It was one of those spill out your drink moments. The whole day we tried to deliver that at the end of a call just to make prospecting more interesting. Quality! What’s the funniest thing you’ve heard on a cold call?
New comment Jun '23
3 likes • Jun '23
In my last role, I rang a prospect and after my intro they said: "Happy to hear you out, just getting in the shower" I assured him, saying it's good we can wait but he insisted to continue the call. Being quite new, I didn't push back and accepted this. So we I ended up doing a prospecting call while the geezer was showering. Shock, it didn't lead to a qualified meeting.. 😂
1 like • Jun '23
@Jamie Parmer if he was willing to be prospected in a shower, likely has a screw loose - so I reckon ice cold
Reluctance taking over
Reluctance to hit the phone has once again taken over and is making me feel like I'm dying of the incurable disease of being a little b****. I was off of work for a total of 3 months since the start of this year - new kid, etc... and I've stopped calling altogether. Trying to supplement by sending videos, emails, LI messages - and am booking demos, but not enough and I want to progress on the phone. I've overcome this reluctance in the past, but right now I keep finding excuses to not do what I know I need to do and just call... I know the solution is staring me in the face, but I keep looking away. Any advice ?
New comment Jun '23
1 like • Jun '23
I get the reluctance piece. I find it often happens to me when I overly attach myself to a particular prospect, knowing that they're a good fit. All of the advice above are great ways to overcome this. Personally, I like to imagine myself to almost be a doctor, when removing my attachment. A doctor doesn't get attached to each patient that comes into their surgery, nor do they get flustered if a patient doesn't turn up. There's always more patients, who likely have real problems. Moreover, they won't prescribe the strongest painkiller without doing some serious questioning. They're the ones in control. Adopting this mindset helps me. Hope it helps you too!
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A humble SDR looking to learn.

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