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the hang up.

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9 contributions to the hang up.
So i've been trying the "this is a cold call" type opener, and so far no one has granted me 30 seconds... Based off of Benjamins videos and yours, I'm guessing its coming down to my delivery - but I call exclusively in french and was wondering If I could send a voicenote to one of you on LinkedIn to review my intonation even if you dont understand french. thx
New comment Jun '23
3 likes • Jun '23
These techniques aren't culture-proof and as such can't be used as a worldwide one size fits all. Have you tried playing around with it at all and seeing what works? For example, I get really low conversation rate when I just say 'this is a cold call'. I call into the NHS and a few times people would say "I work in NHS I don't have time for cold calls..." So, I changed to "This is an NHS related cold call". I get into most conversations now.
The 'how does it make you feel question'
I've been really focusing on pain funneling and the emotional grinder lately. how long has it been a problem, what have you done to fix it, did it work etc. So far I've neglected the 'how does that make you feel question. To be honest I was a bit nervous to pull it off because of how the prospect may react. Asked it yesterday and the results were great. Opened the prospect up so much. Told me he was 'really worried ' about his situation then went into the exact business reason why he was worried. They might lose an entire income stream if nothing changes. Closing for the meeting was so easy after that. I think the beauty of those questions is they open people up so much they're like 5 questions in one. Anyone else have any similar experiences where they've pulled off a question and it has just 'clicked' i.e you see exactly why it is taught?
New comment Jun '23
1 like • Jun '23
@Munro Barclay-Miller Yes this is real quality questioning. Generally if you can answer these questions, prospecting calls will be a success. The challenge can be working around the prospects responses to actually get them to respond to the question you've asked as we all know a lot of prospects won't actually answer your question. However, the 'ideal' call would be below in my eyes... When did you notice the problem? Why is that bad? If fixed, what would the next 6-12 months look like? Why is that good? Is there any reason you wouldn't want to meet for 30 mins to see if that's possible? Always remembering to add things like "Can I ask a stupid question" before the bad/good questions.
1 like • Jun '23
@Callum Beecroft this is genuine gold dust
> Where are you from? Wexford, Ireland > What industry do you work in? Software/E-commerce/ delivery management > Who are you prospecting to? Decision makers in logistics, warehousing and finance. > Biggest strength? Previous experience within E-commerce on the business side. > What are you struggling with? I am still in training so I haven't started prospecting yet, but I am struggling with the concept of getting the message across without being spammy. > What do you want immediate help with inside of this community? Best practices and tips for getting the next steps booked in.
New comment Jun '23
1 like • Jun '23
You're in the right place, best to start learning this stuff now rather than unlearning it later on. With that being said, if you apply the stuff you learn from Callum you're going to sound drastically different to your colleagues. Have faith! It works. Plenty of content here to get you started, particularly once you've levelled up a bit. Good luck!
Inbound Leads
At the moment, I get supplied 100% of my leads via Marketing (will be changing this in the coming weeks/months). Our company offers a shipping software whereby someone can sign-up for a 30-day free trial and our goal is to qualify in/out as fast as possible and to get them signed up for a paid Subscription. The Sales Process we use is called the Socratic Wheel of Questioning which is a series of open-ended questions that goes over; - Their objective - What they're currently doing and how it's working - Challenges - What their ideal solution looks like - Impact on the business I'm finding that a lot of Leads that I'm speaking to want to see the solution right away and can get quite annoyed/overwhelmed when going through this process. Any advice here on how I can refine/improve this to avoid the above?
New comment Jun '23
1 like • Jun '23
@Adam Wise Yeah this is hugely important. Set the expectation early, give them an agenda too if possible. A quality agenda is one which is agreed upon together with your prospect and one that defines outcomes at each stage. For ex, starting with "It would be great to get a better idea of what you had hoped to get out of this call". Following up with what you had hoped to get from the call too (better idea of what they are looking for etc.) Then you can outline an agenda that says in order to get what they want out of the call you first have to get what you want to be able to do a good job of it. Agree and work through :)
That one vertical...
Something I've always been fascinated by in sales is that most of us just have that one area/department/industry that we cannot sell to. For instance; - I struggle to speak with anyone in HR. My little internal child kicks in and I just can't get into any kind of decent chat, let alone the fact that I hate selling HR based systems/services. - I've also found that when assigned to purely working Scottish accounts, my numbers fall dramatically. No one in Scotland is actively choosing to work with the English. I still have success here, but far less than if I was selling into the English market. Do you have that one area or department that you just cannot sell into?
New comment Jun '23
2 likes • Jun '23
@Munro Barclay-Miller The fun of pretending to be one of them will outweigh the fear soon enough
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