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Intro To Meditation is happening in 17 hours
9/17 Meditation Insights
What was something that you appreciated about yourself in this morning meditation! @Kit Birks @Keever Henry
New comment 5d ago
Be Kind to You
What’s something you’ve been holding out on, something that you said you’d do if the β€œtiming was perfect”. Maybe it’s a dream, or maybe it’s a new class down the street. No matter how big or small it is, what is something you’ve been putting off??
New comment 12d ago
Be kind to the world…
As you walk around today, look others in the eyes and say to yourself internally β€œMay I be happy, may you be happy”… Watch what changes inside of you. It’s actually quite amazing. If you struggling to do so, start with 10 people today. 2 that you know and then 8 strangers. Let me know how it goes below!
Complete action
New comment 19d ago
Be kind to others…
Do something nice for a stranger today, without them knowing it OR you wanting the validation. Buy someone’s meal/coffee behind you in line, help an older person get their groceries to their car. Something small, but meaningful.
New comment 22d ago
Be Kind 9/30
Happy Friday and last Friday of August. Be Kind to you, this morning, afternoon, or evening... or whenever you go to the bathroom. look at yourself and say some nice things about you. Could be how you're dressed, your smile, the way you are showing up today, some qualities about yourself... be kind to you in the mirror. let me know how that feels, i know itll be a bit strange.
New comment 23d ago
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Beacon Holistic
A place for people to Be Here πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ, Be Kind πŸ«‚, and Be You πŸ’°.
Weekly Breathwork, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nutrition, Community, and Authenticity.
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