Unlock motivation on command
I used to think that motivation was random, something that just hit you when it wanted.
And honestly, I didn’t think it was all that useful.
But then, everything changed—I learned how to unlock it on command.
Let me explain…
, once explained it, and I thought it was excellent.
His definition was that motivation is the deprivation you have of something.
For example, the reason you are thirsty (motivated to hydrate yourself) is due to a lack of hydration.
I have a question for you…
Why do the rich keep getting richer, even though they’re not deprived of money?
Here’s the truth…
It’s not about how deprived you actually are, but your perceived deprivation of something.
Because motivation is not objective, but it’s subjective.
And when I thought about making this post, I meant to end it there…
But that reminded me of something I funnily enough heard Leila Hormozi say on her podcast.
She explained that we are way more motivated to run away from pain (a bear) than towards pleasure (a Lamborghini on 99% sale).
So that made me think:
“Can we somehow combine these two concepts together?”
And the answer is yes.
Yes, you can.
So here’s the version:
Motivation is made up of two parts that are somewhat the opposite of each other:
  1. ⚖️ Compare
  2. 🚨 Run away
⚖️ Compare:
This is when you compare yourself to someone better than you to make yourself feel deprived of what they have.
📌 Example: If you make $10k/mo, but you constantly compare yourself to people like @Alex Hormozi, your perception of how much you make decreases.
Even though you’re far from being poor, you still feel like you are, compared to him.
⚡ Amplify: If you want to make yourself more motivated to earn more money, simply compare yourself more to people who make even more than Alex, like Elon Musk, for example.
By doing that, you are increasing the distance between you and where you want to be, creating more perceived deprivation.
🚨 Run away:
This is when you compare yourself to other people or a version of yourself that you don’t want to end up as (a nightmare scenario).
📌 Example: If you are fit but want to get into better shape, making your nightmare scenario feel more painful is like climbing a rope with a huge firepit beneath you.
⚡ Amplify: To make that nightmare scenario even more dreadful and scary, you can visualize yourself in that situation or look at others who are.
The more subjectively and emotionally painful you make that nightmare scenario seem, the bigger and more powerful that firepit beneath you becomes, which results in you climbing faster.
This post was greatly inspired by both Alex and Leila Hormozi, and I hope you got some value from it.
Oliver Parelius
Unlock motivation on command
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