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What’s the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?
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New comment 5h ago
What’s the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?
How to introduce 'price' into the sales cycle
Hi guys - I have a bit of a tactical question. I'm launching a mastermind for songwriting in the coming weeks. This is going to be a "high-ticket", private mastermind. I have been reaching out to songwriters over the past couple of weeks and had several video calls with them in which I learn where they're at with their songwriting, what their goals and aspirations are, and dig into what some of their current limitations and bottlenecks might be. I then tie those challenges back to the value that the mastermind will provide. By the end of the 30 min call, I ask them if they'd be interested in something like what I'm offering and almost everyone I've talked to seems very interested and agree to be put on the mailing list. I have created a lot of warm leads through this approach which is positive. The tactical question I'm facing is how and when to introduce the fact that this is a paid mastermind. I have hinted at that on the calls, saying that it's "exclusive" and not open to everyone. I don't want to hit them with the "oh, and by the way, it's $1000 for 12 weeks" or whatever. I am connected to these songwriters on various platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Mailing List) and I am staying connected to them in these groups. I am posting content in these groups focusing on common challenges songwriters face. I will be posting soon about what the mastermind will include in order to highlight the value it offers. I will also be announcing scheduled industry guests to come in and speak at some of the virtual workshops. My thinking here is by highlighting the value, potential members will be more intrigued and likely to join. But how do I start introducing cost into this in a graceful way? I'm hoping someone with a bit more experience with this than me can chime in here. Would really appreciate it 🙏 Thanks, Dave
New comment 2d ago
How can I improve my storytelling?
Hey everyone, Recently I’ve been reflecting on my content and feel the need to improve my storytelling to increase my conversion rates. What are your guys’ recommendations, audiobooks, books, etc., for developing my storytelling skills? If you also have any suggested tips or practices to keep in mind while storytelling I am also all ears to hear. Thank you! May we all achieve greater success in our lives!
New comment 3d ago
Stock Videos
Hey, what are some good places to get some stock videos for B-roll?
New comment 3d ago
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