Go to God first - by Pastor Ed. Newton
Wanted to share today's devotional from Pastor Ed Newton. My prayer is that we become a people who go to God as an auto response, that we pray continually throughout the day, and seek Him in all things.
One thing I know for sure, He always fills my cup and is THE source of truth that our souls long for. He gives clarity during uncertainty and peace that surpasses all understanding, and He promises to rescue and deliver those who call on His name.
May we set our phones aside, and choose to go to Him first before calling a friend or scrolling on our phones. And even when we don't know what to pray or where to start, may we open His word, expecting Him to speak and nurture our soul with exactly what we need in the moment.
Pastor Ed's devotional:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."- Proverbs 3:5-6
When problems arise, it's natural to want to talk to someone, to get advice or comfort from a friend, family member, or even social media. We live in a world where answers are just a click away—whether it's a quick search on the internet or scrolling through TikTok for a bit of distraction. But have you ever stopped to think about how often you turn to these sources before turning to God?
It’s easy to seek out the opinions and advice of others. After all, they’re right there, ready to listen and offer their two cents. But no matter how well-meaning your friends and family are, or how many “life hacks” you find online, none of them can offer the wisdom and guidance that God provides. God knows every detail of your situation, every nuance of your heart, and He has the perfect plan for you.
Yet, how often do we bypass the one true source of wisdom and peace? We get caught up in seeking validation, quick fixes, or just a sympathetic ear from everyone but God. And then, when things don’t go as planned, we wonder why. The truth is, when we prioritize everyone else’s voice over God’s, we’re setting ourselves up for confusion and disappointment.
God is waiting for you to bring your problems to Him. He’s not just another option on a long list of potential sources for advice—He is *the* source. Before you go to others, before you search for answers in all the wrong places, go to God. Spend time in prayer, open His Word, and listen for His voice. He promises to guide you, to make your path straight, and to give you the wisdom you need to navigate whatever comes your way.
Going to God first doesn’t mean you can’t talk to others or seek advice from those you trust. But when you start with God, you’re laying a foundation of truth and wisdom that will guide every conversation and decision that follows. You’ll find that when you seek Him first, everything else falls into place.
Amanda Mallin
Go to God first - by Pastor Ed. Newton
Honey In The Rock
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