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The Cold DM Blueprint: How to Land Clients Without Feeling Sleazy
Most people overcomplicate cold outreach. They think they need a fancy funnel, a 10-step process, or an award-winning copywriter. You don’t. In fact, if you have a service that solves a REAL problem, cold DMs are one of the most efficient ways to get clients. Here’s the exact formula I use to land clients in less time than it takes to finish a cup of coffee: 1. The Perfect Target: Stop wasting time DMing anyone with a pulse. Niche down HARD. Find your dream clients by identifying: What niche they’re in What specific problem they have (that YOU solve) Where they hang out online (Discord, Instagram, Facebook, Skool) You should know your target better than their mom does. 2. The Hook: Your first message has ONE job: to get them to respond. That’s it. Most people blow this because they write paragraphs when a simple one-liner would work better. Here’s the deal: Your prospect doesn’t care about you (yet). They care about their problem. So, open with something that matters to THEM. Examples: "Hey [Name], saw your post about struggling with leads for your SMMA. Are you still looking for a solution?" "Quick question: are you open to strategies that consistently bring in high-ticket clients for your agency?" Short. To the point. Problem-focused. 3. The Follow-Up: If they don’t respond after the first message, don’t freak out. 80% of deals are closed in the follow-up. Hit them up again a few days later with a non-pushy follow-up. Something like: “Hey, no worries if this isn’t relevant. Just wanted to check in—still looking to scale your agency?” Follow up consistently, but don’t be annoying. Think of it as you’re reminding them you’re still here to solve their problem. 4. The Value Drop: When they respond, don’t immediately go in for the kill with a sales pitch. Instead, ask a question that further qualifies them: “What’s been the biggest challenge for you when it comes to lead gen?” “How are you currently handling outreach?” Once you get their answer, drop some value.
DALL - E 🤯
Recently came across this AI Tool for AI image creation just mind blown Few line prompts generates absolutely what I wanted (accuracy far better than any img gen AI I have used before) Prompt : I need to create an fb ad of 1:1 ratio, I sell products like blinds, shades, shutters and drapes could you create a winning ad creative for me. After that I used Canva to give a finishing touch, how is my creative Img 1 : DALL-E Img 2 : Canva (finishing) How much would you guys rate it
New comment 3d ago
DALL - E 🤯
How I create SOPs
In this post I am going to break down how I got about creating SOPs (Standard Operating procedures) SOPs are essential to structure key concepts and strategies in your agency, they are great to refer back to and also to share with your team to be able to explain concepts. I always begin with defining what it is that I am creating and how usually a brief run through with my note book to get some ideas onto paper Then, depending on the type of SOP I will decide whether I will be using google docs, Miro or both Those of you that are not aware with Miro it is software designed to be a virtual whiteboard which I find amazing to help create Visual SOPs and to craft them together So once I have drafted some ideas together on paper, whether in mind map form or a list etc I get stuck into creating it on Miro Miro is great because you can use all sorts of shapes and it is very practical to use once you have gotten the hang of it. Most the times when I am creating SOPs I usually create the diagrams and displays on Miro and copy them over to google docs so I can structure it in a way that is easy to explain and so people can also go through them in PDF form Also, since a lot of the time I record videos of the SOPs using loom I tend to follow this structure as a whole 1. Notebook - Draft initial ideas + concepts 2. Miro - Build out diagrams, displays and examples 3. Put it all together in Google Docs in a way that it makes sense and is presentable 4. Record a Loom video explaining everything
GHL Resource Drop!!😁
Hey everyone! Thanks to all of those who joined the first GHL coaching call this past Tuesday, they're always better with more people on them. I'll be dropping a GHL 0-10 course in here soon, but in the meantime I wanted to provide everyone with a resource dump of a ton of different snapshots. Quickly... the snapshots in this resource are designed for agencies who work leads for their clients, I NO LONGER RECOMMEND THIS. Instead, I fully recommend basic lead gen. Nonetheless, here are the snapshots for those of you who want to play this game on hard: ALSO‼️ I run a GHL with over 1,000 subaccounts and over 100 different agency owners on it, the snapshots work weather your on it or not, but if you want to save 50% on your GHL subscription for life, here's the link with a full video breakdown of how it works, and yes, it is designed specifically for agency owners who need multiple subaccounts and 24/7 support:
New comment 7d ago
Support For The Economical Email Conquest System
Hey everyone!! If any of the SDK+ members have questions about the email system, please post in the Skool community and tag me in the post and I'll be more than happy to help you out! Cheers!
New comment 8d ago
Support For The Economical Email Conquest System
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