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Hello all, if anyone wants to gym any time and fancy someone with you, feel free to message! 😊😊
Welcome to the Portal!
👋 Hello! Stocked to have you here. This group is simply a culmination of multiple years as a coach and personal trainer, condensed into a resource which I wish I had when I first started training - popular concepts, analysed and backed up by rigorous scientific research and distilled into practical advise. And just as good research is often contradictory and never straightforward, you won't find a single 'for sure' solution to your fitness conundrums because it likely does not exist. Your health, wellbeing and performance are too fluid and unpredictable. However, what you will find is a selection of different, science-backed tools for you to apply and experiment with. You will not find: ❌ Gimmicks or fads ❌ 'Do this one thing to lose fat forever' ❌ Sales tactics You will find: ✅ Facts and research ✅ Practical advise ✅ An approach tailored and centred around real human beings Enjoy!
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