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▫️ Sales 101 is happening in 4 days
Inner Circle Win 🥳
Mrs.Kelly Oliver just got placed on Forbes Rileys 'The Pitching Queens" team!! 🥳 I am so excited for you and whats to come, keep up the awesome work 💪💗
New comment 3d ago
Inner Circle Win 🥳
Phase 2 finished 🥳
I just finished scripting phase 2, the examples are really helpful. The next days I will be practicing with ChatGPT cause OMG thats a great idea! Have a great day everyone
Week 3 Lessons & Big Wins
Hey ya'll! Currently on Week 3/Phase 3 in the course, and so far - I’ve had 5 1:1s with Coach Dylan, and 1 mock call down! Thank you Blake! :D I’ve been fine tuning my own skills in Setting, including rapport building, mastering the frame and getting familiar with Discovery! In the Coursework for this Phase, I reviewed Warm Calling. Here are some of my notes: Warm Calling includes both: Inbound and Outbound - Outbound: Reaching out to a lead who has opted into a sales funnel - Inbound: Reaching out to a lead who has opeted into a sales funnel and has booked time on your calendar. - Goal: Qualify them and gain the most amount of info, in 3-5 min. During the call, we are focused on: - Their Goals - Their Current Situation - Why they haven’t been able to achieve their goal on their own, yet  (why they need us). Setters vs. Closers - Setters gather information. If a client continues to ask on price, give them a range. Describe that there are lots of offers available with a variety of prices. That is what the next call is for, to break things down and make sure we get you what you need. Do not present information. - Closers provide information Looking forward to some more practice! If anyone is looking to do some mock calls, would love to connect!
New comment 6d ago
Phase 1 - What I Learned
1. Setting can be done by calling or by video. I thought that setting was just by DM, SMS or email. 2. Difference between warm outbound and warm inbound. For example, Dean sold the community to me as a warm inbound. 3. It is important to take each step one by one, so first doing DM setting, second phone setting, and lastly, video triage setting. 4. It's better to lose the sale if I think the product is not going to help the prospect. 5. Instead of using a script to pitch, it is better to have a checkbox framework, so the pitch is more like a normal conversation where I lead the path to where we will discuss. As Alex Hormozi says, “Winners are always gonna win,” so I’ll try what is required to win in this field.
New comment 8d ago
Phase 1 Complete
Just finished phase 1! Key takeaways: - Frame is important to set expectation at the beginning of the call - Discovery call is essential to gain information and qualify. If you are aren't able to identify pain points in Discovery, then it wasn't good enough.
New comment 9d ago
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