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Skool Community

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About Page Lab: VIP 👑

Private • 25 • $59/m

skool mage 🪄

Private • 51 • Free

Word Masters

Public • 787 • Free

Better Skool

Private • 9 • Free

Community Leadership (Skool)

Private • 67 • Paid

168 contributions to Skool Community
❤️ Notifications for likes turned off by default
Why would anybody know that they got a like on a comment? I believe it's a very unnecessary spam. People join communities, make a few comments and then have +20 unnecessary notifications. When you get a comment, of course, you should get a notification because you can reply to this comment, but you can't do anything about the like you got so it's just a distraction and you might miss the real important notifications because of that. Yes, we can turn it off, but probably way too many people don't even know about it, or don't wanna play with the settings every time they join some community. For our community, I teach our members to turn it off in our onboarding flow but this option should be turned off by default, and if somebody wants to get notified that they got a like, it's okay, they can turn it on, but I'm pretty sure 95% of the people would rather have it off. Wouldn't it improve the experience of Skool a lot?
7 members have voted
New comment 2h ago
❤️ Notifications for likes turned off by default
1 like • 4h
Yup, always turn these off, unless I forget when join new group, then open email and boom, it's like a bomb went off 😁
🍉 ummm.... Skool Whip, DUH
So it took 5 months, dude. Buying her was easy! But 4 days later she was hit while parked!! Finding a shop took a month Parts took 2 more And then FINALLY we got her back 2 weeks ago. And finished the new drip in 2 days. Rims and all. Level 7 may not exist anymore, But the Skool Games experience is going HARDER THAN EVA (BTS coming sooooon) Just WAIT for what next year looks like... Youre socks are gonna FLY OFF YO DAMN FEEET
New comment 8h ago
🍉 ummm.... Skool Whip, DUH
3 likes • 2d
So which color does it say in registration? 😁
1 like • 1d
@Goose Dunlavey 😁
What's the #1 Feature You Want?
If you could wave a magic wand and add one feature to Skool, what would it be?
New comment 7h ago
1 like • 2d
Be able to hide any posts that I don't want to see again
1 like • 2d
@푸르공 Tokyo
Url link for public vs private
I noticed that before and maybe there was a bug , but as of now when you click on*yoururl* if it's a public group, it takes you to the main page with all the comments, which is alright I guess... but for people who Don't know skool at all, especially who clicked for specific group and they see a whole bunch of posts off topic sometimes , it is confusing. VS when a person lands on About page( same link for private group) then it feels like you're on step 1 and depending what the on-boarding process is, it's easier to navigate to join the group. Before, for private groups the same url would take a person to About page, not letting you see the content other than the offer . I think it's way better ( considering a person who is new to skool) . So when we leave links , it's not a biggie to just add /About at the end, but then it doesn't look as clean . Maybe I'm just osd about it, but what do you think? Wouldn't it be better if the same link for both types of groups landed on About page?
New comment 2d ago
Url link for public vs private
2 likes • 2d
@Derek Kolstad I just didn't notice that until recently, something that's good to keep in mind anyway 💁‍♂️
1 like • 2d
@Paul Schuller if you could change that, would you rather get the visitors to land on About page or just leave it as is?
Activity not reporting
Hi, Happy thanksgiving! BUG? I know for a fact that I had no less than 10 Activites yesterday but for some reason is showing zero. Can someone in admin help me with this??
New comment 2d ago
Activity not reporting
2 likes • 3d
@Landon Wale they start GMT time if I'm not mistaken
2 likes • 2d
@Maria Lupita yes ma'am, right now it is, in the summer I believe they switch to +1 gmt
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Alvis Ciritis
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