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Back Pain Pilates πŸ’Š(FREE)

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15 contributions to Back Pain Pilates πŸ’Š(FREE)
It's Friday! Day 5️⃣ / 7️⃣
As soon as our routine changes up moving from week to weekend, it becomes more challenging to stick to our goals a lot of the time. How has your Friday gone in terms of sticking to what you planned? What are you up to this weekend? Let us know in the comments πŸ‘‡
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New comment 13d ago
It's Friday! Day 5️⃣ / 7️⃣
1 like β€’ 13d
I did pilates Friday morning, I didn't do my walk as I was starting to feel run down and opted for a lil extra sleep
Imperfect Action is better than Perfect Inaction
Something is better than nothing! I use the gym at work (I get here at 6am), we have an event on today that I've been quite a big part of organising so I thought I'd be better off skipping my walk this morning and 'just' doing Pilates, that way I can get into the office a little earlier to ensure all is well and reduce my anxiety around the event going smoothly! Sometimes we have to adjust to life and that's okay 😊
New comment 13d ago
2 likes β€’ 25d
Agreed! It could have been very easy to tell myself I didn't have time for any form of exercise this morning, and although I was a little disappointed at skipping my walk, I LOVE the dark mornings and evenings and knew I'd walk tonight if I needed to, but actually, having some a site tour I've already done just over 13k steps today 🀘🏽
0 likes β€’ 13d
@Ricardo Mesa absolutely, and with a hiit workout, you can do a fair bit in just 10mins πŸ˜‹
Over half way day 4️⃣/7️⃣
How's it going? Are we stacking up against our plans? My week is a bit upside down this week and I'm having to gym tonight at like 8.15pm 😫 I don't like it. But better to change plan than give up on the plan right? This is what I'm doing tonightπŸ‘‡ What are you up to?
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New comment 13d ago
Over half way day 4️⃣/7️⃣
3 likes β€’ 17d
Good on you for still getting there! I suppose the silver lining is the gym is probably quiet?! My did my morning walk yesterday, a lunch walk and talk with my friend and colleague, and ended the day on 14k steps 🀘🏽
1 like β€’ 13d
@Russ Walker a quiet gym is my favourite! Wow, 60% never showing up?! That's almost criminal. I was feeling pretty good, but I had a sore throat creeping up on me which really took it out of me over the weekend and today, got 5 out of 7 days last week though so I'll take that 🀘🏽
Day 1βœ…οΈ
Did you achieve what you set out to do today? If not, that's ok, but are you going to nail it tomorrow?
New comment 17d ago
Day 1βœ…οΈ
1 like β€’ 17d
That's the thing, I'm not struggling with them, they feel somewhat easy (which makes me wonder if I'm not doing the correctly - but I'm not sure if there are more progressions to come so I'm being patient πŸ€ͺ
1 like β€’ 17d
@Russ Walker I'll be doing another session tomorrow so I'll give it a go, thank you for the tip ☺️ 🀘🏽
Day 2 βœ…οΈ Getting Stuff Done?
How are you measuring up against your one big thing to focus on? What are the challenges? What can we do to work around them?
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New comment 15d ago
Day 2 βœ…οΈ Getting Stuff Done?
1 like β€’ 18d
@Russ Walker I try to make ally walks like that to really get the benefit - my lil mantra (ish), is 'I didn't get myself out of bed at this ungodly hour to half ass it' πŸ˜…πŸ€£
1 like β€’ 17d
@Russ Walker 🀣
1-10 of 15
Jamie-Leigh Gibson
20points to level up
I hate talking about myself πŸ™ˆ. Trying to find some physical equilibrium between exercise and rest, I'm often so tired despite doing the right things

Active 9h ago
Joined Oct 27, 2024
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