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28 contributions to MONK MODE CHALLENGE
More than halfway there guys just a reminder that you should be very proud of yourselves for lasting this long and I’m sure many of us have seen great changes in our lives in such a small amount of time I know I have but even if you haven’t don’t worry that’s why it’s important to pray and have faith just keep putting in the work and you’ll see results . “It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop”
New comment 13h ago
Day 16 Update: Monk Mode Confidence 😎
So we’re just over two weeks into Monk Mode, and something wild happened. I got the confidence to ask out my dream girl, and guess what? She said YES! 🙌🏻 I’ve had my eye on her for a while but always hesitated because of self-doubt. But being consistent with Monk Mode, hitting my goals, and staying disciplined has really boosted my confidence in a way I didn’t expect. I realized, if I can commit to this challenge, why not commit to leveling up in other areas too? So I just went for it, and now we’re going out this Saturday. I can honestly say, this challenge isn’t just about routines or habits. It’s changing how I see myself and what I’m capable of. Anyone else feel the same way?
New comment 18h ago
Day 16 Update: Monk Mode Confidence  😎
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I’m really happy for you bro everything starts to line up as you strive to get better monk mode is about success in all areas of life and being the best person you can be PS a word of unsolicited advice I know she your dream girl but don’t get in your head about tryna impress her or fit the mold of a guy you think she likes because that’s a recipe for disaster in the long be true to yourself and unapologetically you because if you have be on the path you’ll have those qualities that would impress her anyway and if she’s not don’t sweat it once you’ve mastered yourself you will still have many quality options
7 days complete
1 week of monk mode and it been a lot of a challenge. Overcoming your weak version of yourself and learning to sacrifice what you need in able to improve . I’m in a new chapter in my life and it’s helping me to find more about myself . Getting closer to God has been my biggest movement to feel proud . And overcoming lust and woman that just want me to smash. It’s hard because the flesh wants to do it, but I know that’s not going to lead to anything good .
New comment 4d ago
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You can see big gains in very little time it’s all about taking the first steps in a new direction. I feel the last part women and lust are big distractions for me I take the outta sight out of mind approach because I know I will fold if they were in my face so I try my best to isolate myself from temptation. Glad you started the journey bro let’s keep improving and encouraging each other
(M.M.M.L) Monday Monk Mode Log
Rise and shine illuminated Minds 🧘🏾‍♂️ 🔋 (I had two wisdom teeth pulled this past Wednesday and i have been undergoing and am healing and recovering) Everyday is my day 1 - last night, I reflected on my week and journey so far, - I set up week yesterday evening, - I Was up at 4a, - made my bed, - Put on the whole armor of God in prayer - Read my affirmations and read my goals. - Shoes on out for warm up with speed walk + jogging + shadow boxing + push-ups + jump squats. - Breakfast Oatmeal for with almond butter and honey. - 3ggs/1 crossant, 2yogurt, 1 applesauce for lunch. - Took few minutes to share this with all group. I will get ready and out the door to be at work on Time 6:55a - I will be reading 15 pages, then write in journal on my commute to work on Metro. —>Few things I’ve noticed <— - My mind is clear and alert, I’m more conscious and intentional with my actions and thoughts. - Reading and reviewing my goals each morning plus prayers and meditation has been very beneficial in more ways than I can describe, the inner shift is noticeable by others around me, and I have a sense of being grounded in the present more. - I do not feel rushed or pressured, neither am I tardy, the more I move my body through daily matinal warmups/jog/calisthenics/shadow boxing, the more I am physically awake, in the zone, at I am at ideal an pace throughout my day. Keep it up sisters, and brothers, make it a lifestyle and adjust when you need to adjust but keep going forward . Don’t overthink it, just do it.
New comment 3d ago
(M.M.M.L) Monday Monk Mode Log
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Love the transparency and the sentiment that “everyday is my Day 1” because it encapsulates why we are doing monk mode not just for this singular month but for continued improvement throughout our life. Kudos to you for staying disciplined while recovering from surgery because that’s when we are most susceptible to falling off from our goals when we are not feeling our best. Keep it up brother and speed recovery to you
I accidentally became important at work 😅
I recently started a new job like 2 weeks before the beginning of monk mode. Mind you this after a prolonged period of not working so I was very eager to get back in the fold and be the best I could be. Upon meeting my direct manager he told me I would be a responsible for the technical management of the team and responsible for research. Long story short he was really impressed in the 3 weeks I’ve been working there and has added me to leadership meetings and interview panels I completed my first interview today and it was kind of surreal because I was interviewing the team member who had trained me! I felt under qualified but the said my background was really impressive and my input is valued. So I now am responsible for asking the technical questions whenever there a hiring a technical candidate and recommend trainings to my team based on what I think would help them perform better. I honestly thought I was just another worker bee now I’m suddenly Important not complaining at all just kind of shocked imposter syndrome is setting in 😅
New comment 6d ago
I accidentally became important at work 😅
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@Chi Oriji appreciate that bro you know how far I’ve come life did a whole 180 in a matter of weeks I used to mopping floors now I’m interviewing candidates for positions and fake leading a team things moving way faster than I expected but this is what I’ve been praying for you said it best I just got to prove to them and myself that I’m worthy
1-10 of 28
Maada Sammah
1point to level up
Striving for continued improvement

Active 4h ago
Joined Sep 18, 2024
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