Zoom Recording of V2 Build From Scratch
For starters - take anything Jorden or Jason say over anything I say or do LOL... But for those interested, this morning I built out a new Assistant from scratch on a zoom call with a client. I won't leave it up for too long, but if you're new or interested, here is a recording of that zoom call of me talking thru the AI and building in realtime in front of a client. *** Please do NOT share outside this community *** There may be people's contact info in the video - do NOT reach out or spam anyone in this video. This is a current client and good friend of mine and I haven't had time to edit the video to remove anything yet... but I know it's Friday afternoon and some people in here may want to watch it over the weekend. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/gYQzUY5FhFoHMwTZwq-dkRiE9NIhIRrAbAHddejUTD0VhoUiIKiqz_OTLFu6CGg.GGHHMcVf56aM3Don Passcode: ^?MK&9C= (and I've been sick so sorry for the coughs and nasal sound LOL)