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Agency Service Scaling Kings👑

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3 contributions to Agency Service Scaling Kings👑
How to respond to this specific objection?
"You charge 1k per month for lead gen I know an agency that I spoke with last week that does it for 500 per month what makes you different?" I have propsects say this even after I tell them everything as to why we are different and why it didnt work last time for them as I have USP that works well (using VSL's to nurtur incoming leads before the agent calls them). It seems to me the prospect just still sees it as generating leads and theres nothing else to it but its like they dont listen when I explain just like selling a home theres alot more to what makes a sale successful than listing the home, theres sale price, presentation, communication etc.. same with ads. How do I get them to see the value in my price rather than the cheaper option? (I know my service is better after hearing what happened in their last partnership)
New comment Aug 2
2 likes • Jul 31
Hi Jordan, I'm not a sales expert, but I've encountered similar objections when selling websites to businesses. Prospects often compare my prices to competitors offering much lower rates. What I've found effective is shifting the conversation from cost to ROI. Focus on the QUALITY of your mechanism (lead generation system) and how much revenue it can generate for them (it's even more impactful if you can quantify the VALUE in terms of $$$ and support it with multiple case studies). I would say something like: "We don't just generate you leads; we generate you qualified leads that are primed for conversion. Our VSL process ensures that when your sales team connects with a prospect, they're already warmed up and ready to buy. This leads to faster sales cycles, higher closing rates, and ultimately, a greater return on your investment. While our upfront cost might be higher, the long-term benefits and increased revenue far outweigh the initial investment. Just like what we’ve managed to achieve this with company x,y… (case studies)" You can also use an analogy or two to drive the point home: "Imagine paying less for a house and later discovering hidden structural issues requiring costly repairs. Or buying a cheaper car only to find it lacks essential safety features. The same principle applies here. We continually optimise and finetune our process by keeping track of the key data/metrics to achieve the highest conversion rates/ best bang for your buck. While there might be cheaper options available out there, they often lack the precision and effectiveness of our systems ” Hope this helps!
1 like • Jul 31
exactly! always bring it back to ROI
Dont Sleep On Lost Sales Calls
Hey Guys, just thought id share a recent experience of mine regarding booking re-activation calls with people who I did a sales call with but didn't close. I have done around 150 sales calls and just though't id touch base with the people I spoke with in January. Out of the 30, I booked in around 8 sales calls with them. It refreshed their memory and also made them realise that nothing has changed for their business over the past 8 months. Also my product/service has changed as yours will to, so just a friendly reminder not to sleep on these people you didn't close the first time round!
New comment 27d ago
2 likes • Jul 31
Thanks for the reminder Michael. I've read somewhere that 80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact!! the money is truly in the follow ups!
I've 95% Show-Up Rate (Sales Calls) 5 Years Straight...Doing This #TORValue
Hi fam, since so many of you are sharing awesome ninja stuff, I thought I might to start doing it as well :) This might be for you, if you are struggling with getting people to show up to your high-ticket sales calls... ...or you just want to, well get MORE people to show up to your sales calls (for you or your sales team). And the best part? By implementing this... ...more people will show-up on calls will sell more ...increase revenue ...aaaaand ...ZERO extra ad spend needed. Yes, you are welcome! Since, so man other peopple are sharing their ninja stuff... ...I though I could provide some massive value to this community (hence the tag #TORValue). Kind of like Sam Ovens and Alex Hormozi, I do a lot of strategic thinking. And the competitive edge that I have in my agency (I run the best paid performance agency in my country)... that I have strategies, methods, SOPs that noone else is using. And why is that? Because, I have freakin' created them myself. I use the contrarian mindset on most of my new strategies, basically, I always to crack the code by doing the complete opposite of the rest of the market in my niche are doing. A few years back, when all agencies, their mother, and their neighbours grand grand aunt... ...were beating their chest calling themselves for "full-service agencies" ...I though to myself. Well, noone can be the best at everything (from SEO, logo design, website design, SoME organic, email marketing, PR and communication, video production, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.) So, I will do the complete opposite. I will just stick to becoming world-class at lead generation at SCALE on only 2 channels: Google ads Facebook / Instgram Ads (And it seems that I have cracked the code lately on LinkedIn ads as well) When I made that choice about 3 years ago, I thought to myself "I'm either totally insane or a genius". Fortunately, it worked out. It actually worked out so well... ...that other agencies are reaching out to me when they need help delivering results to their clients.
New comment Jul 29
I've 95% Show-Up Rate (Sales Calls) 5 Years Straight...Doing This #TORValue
2 likes • Jul 27
very helpful tips! Thanks for sharing!
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Sadek Aber
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