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21-Day Kick Start

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38 contributions to 21-Day Kick Start
Foods that are not so healthy........
Danny touched base on one of the foods I thought was healthy but really isn't-yogurt! I am going to take his suggestion and try some greek yogurt with fruit. Another food I eat a lot that is not always healthy is oatmeal. Some. of the lower fat ones are high in sugar. I have recently started trying some overnight oats that are much lower sugar. Here's a few more I like but have realized are really not very healthy: 1.Pretzels 2.Granola Bars 3.Vitamin Water 4.Reduced fat peanut butter 5.Deli meat 6.High Fiber Cereals 7.Low-fat salad dressing 8.Veggie Sticks(the bags in the chip aisle) The problem with most of these is they are loaded with sodium, high in salt, and high in sugar. I would replace some of the snacks with real veggies, eat the deli meat in moderation, stick to plain water, and use regular peanut butter and dressing.
New comment 12d ago
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@Cindy Boyle I’m plain Jane lol, but I also make strawberry and bananas or just regular banana overnight oats
0 likes • 13d
@Cindy Boyle thank you. I use TikTok lol 😂
Thought it was healthy, but.....
I eat yogurt pretty much everyday. Its flavored and only 80 calories so I never would have thought about the sugar content. I'll be switching it out and trying the plain yogurt with honey.
New comment 13d ago
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@Joanna Eaves you are welcome.
0 likes • 13d
@Lisa Campbell Im going to have to try that, I’m not a fan of plain yogurt. I substitute it for mayonnaise.
Good Morning. So week one for me started off pretty easy. I did have some muscle failure and some exhaustion, so I definitely had to take a day or two to recoup and get back together. I did have some downfalls, though, which is to be expected. It’s a new week. I’m back on track and I’ve completed a light workout yesterday. But this morning I did one of the workouts that was listed and alternated some of the exercises due to some physical issues. If your week one wasn’t the best strive for week two to be better just don’t give up!!! Have an awesome day and a productive week✌🏽 WEEK2: Day 1 Monday-9/2/2023) Power Walk: 3.03 mls WEEK2: Day 2 (Tuesday-9/3/2023) Warm up: 5-minute jumping jacks/walk in place. 5-minutes of stretching. Workout (Core - 30mins) 3 Rounds: Overhead Walking Lunges 3 x 20: Squat jumps (Alternate- full wall squats) 3x8: SS step-ups (both legs) 3x10: Banded Rows (Alternate - bent over row) 3 x 10: Push-ups 3 x 10: Hammer Curls 3 x 30 seconds: Plank Jax (Alternate - Regular plank) 50 Toe-touches (Alternate- leg raises) 5 Minute Stretching I plan to do my evening 3 mile walk.
New comment 16d ago
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I’m proud of you Erin! We all have hurdles and obstacles daily but you didn’t give up or give in you kept the endurance to keep running the race no matter what! I had a little set back to with my hip I realize when I jog my right hip bothers me really bad. I want to jog but I got to know my limits.
1 like • 16d
Absolutely you are an Eagle 🦅 we rest during the storm and let God carry us through. Have a super fantastic day and weekend
Day 6
The video was right on point! Everything you mentioned I have been doing in the last month or two! And it working for me. No more starving my body, I am fueling it by eating every two hours and getting the health fats, protein and greens my body needs to keep me moving and losing!
New comment 16d ago
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I was use to teleworking 5 day for the last 4 years , then it went to 3 now it’s only one and I have the energy but exhausted when Fridays get here and wanna sleep in but I chose not to because that’s my gym day because I telework on Fridays. My gym days are now Fridays through Sundays. I hope you have a super productive day and weekend
0 likes • 16d
@Julia Baker once again great minds think alike! I’m going through that right now so that video did help me! I noticed the last two months I’ve had not cramping where’s I’m in the bed the first day or two, that’s due to me losing weight I’m guessing. I also have PCOS and my two daughters 😔 so it’s hard but with perseverance we are pressing through
Day 9 Homework
For the last 28 days I have been on a nutrition kick where if I can’t pronounce the words that are included in the ingredients I won’t eat it. It’s not perfect but I do feel a hell of a lot better. Enough energy to exercise and contemplate that maybe I can set some fitness goals and attain them again. One of the things I took from the video today is how bad protein bars actually are for you. And another thing I have to remember because I tend to have an all or nothing mentality is the 80/20 rule.
New comment 16d ago
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lol great minds think alike I just mentioned that in my last comment to Lisa. We are winning 🥇
1-10 of 38
Shantee Davis
51points to level up
Hi I'm Shantee 46yrs old, am a wife mother of 4, 3 adult children my youngest daughter attends UMD and also a 12 yrs son. I’m a Case Worker at HHS.

Active 13d ago
Joined Aug 25, 2024
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