Be Kind (Week 1)
3 Things to be Grateful for (45 seconds). It takes 21 days to create a new life habit. For 21 days in a row write down or say out loud three things that you are grateful for that are new and happened within the last 24 hours. Be specific - ( I am grateful that I live in a neighborhood where I can walk without driving to a suitable location to walk in peace.) We can do this with our spouse/team/or the group here. The increased happiness level is still high after 6 months.
What are 3 things you are grateful for??
Complete action
Marcus Bradley
Be Kind (Week 1)
Beacon Holistic
A place for people to Be Here 🧘‍♂️, Be Kind 🫂, and Be You 💰.
Weekly Breathwork, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nutrition, Community, and Authenticity.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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