Have a little Kindness…
What’s something you’re going through right now, that you’ve been a little critical on yourself on.
Let’s change up the formula, and talk to yourself as if your best friend was going through the same thing. If you joke with your best friends like I do, then talk to yourself with the same compassion you’d show a stranger haha.
A great practice to have with this is the mantra from Kristin Neff, where you place your hands on your heart and say:
“This is a moment of suffering.
Suffering is part of life.
May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I give myself the compassion I need.”
A great tool to self soothe, and just let yourself know that you got you during this time.
Throw it in the comments and you’ll have some loving witnesses to it.
Complete action
Marcus Bradley
Have a little Kindness…
Beacon Holistic
A place for people to Be Here 🧘‍♂️, Be Kind 🫂, and Be You 💰.
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