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Why Do We Really Want to Be in Great Shape? 🧠💪
Have you ever wondered why so many of us crave being in peak physical shape? It goes beyond just looking good or fitting into clothes. It’s deeper. In a world where so much is within reach, through convenience, technology, and instant gratification, good health has become a rare and valuable treasure. Think about it.... Real, long-lasting health is hard to achieve and even harder to maintain. And that’s what makes it so valuable. There was a time when being in shape was simply part of survival. Now, in modern society, where comfort and ease are everywhere, being in great shape has become something outside the norm. It’s no longer a default, it’s a choice. And that choice reflects something powerful about you as a person. Striving for great health means you’re willing to push through discomfort, face challenges, and do what most people won’t. It’s a symbol of commitment, discipline, and self-respect. What’s truly valuable in life is rarely easy to get, and in a world full of shortcuts, achieving great health shows that you’re reaching for something more, something that requires hard work, effort, and consistency. What’s your deepest motivation for wanting to be in great shape? Is it beyond the physical? Share below! 💬⬇️ Also would appreciate if you drop a comment adn not just a vote on the poll :) - Erlus
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Why Do We Really Want to Be in Great Shape? 🧠💪
improving your looks changes everything
ever notice how people start treating you differently when you look better? 🧐 like suddenly, everyone’s nicer, doors open faster (literally and metaphorically), and conversations just flow smoother. this isn’t just in your head either. there’s legit science behind this. there was a study that showed better-looking people can earn up to 10-15% more than their less attractive counterparts — just because of their appearance 😳. it’s wild, but it’s the truth: people are wired to respond to beauty. but looksmaxxing isn’t just about getting paid more, it’s about improving your entire life. imagine walking into any social situation and automatically having that “wow factor.” you don’t need to be rich to grab attention; when you’re more attractive, people LISTEN. you have presence. and in relationships? even more crucial. you’ll get better, more genuine attention, and trust me, the right people will come to you. looksmaxxing is more powerful than stacking up cash when it comes to social life, respect, and relationships. you could be rich, but if you’re invisible because you haven’t worked on your appearance, the money won’t help as much. but when you combine good looks with great character, it’s game over. ever noticed this shift in how people treat you after you started improving your looks? 👀 would love to hear your thoughts!
New comment 10h ago
improving your looks changes everything
Embrace The Bulk
I’ve been asked an innumerable amount of times by skinny fat kids wanting to escape that physique and they ask me “how’d you do it?”. I then tell them that you need to bulk and they come up with every excuse in the book to not bulk. Like dude seriously? How on earth are you gonna gain that muscle you desire with that little protruding belly of yours mate? How are you gonna build up some masculine arms and huge biceps with those twig arms? Think of it this way, it’s like asking a construction team to build a tower without any material. It’s an outlandish request isn’t it? There’s no way in hell that you can do it without the right material. Think of bulking as you giving yourself that material to build up off of. It’ll help you synthesis muscle as you workout and in return will help you build muscle. “B-but I-I want s-six pack abs?!” You’re not gonna get six pack abs if you cut whilst skinny fat, you’re just gonna be skinny. So turn your brain off and just listen to someone who knows what they’re talking about because I’ve been there! I use to have that weird goblin, gremlin, weird physique where I had a damn near pregnant stomach and skinny frail arms. And the way I got out of that ugly physique was to bulk! But how do I bulk now that I know it’s the best way long term to build my aesthetic physique? It’s simple, don’t dirty bulk as you’ll be gaining more fat than muscle. Lean bulk instead, go a +200 caloric surplus or if you like to keep things simple like me just ask for a extra spoonful of food when satiated. Get to work kings.
New comment 13h ago
Embrace The Bulk
where are yall from
I'm from Singapore wbu you guys?
New comment 20h ago
where are yall from
Journal 53
This journal is 2 days late and should have been posted Tuesday night Morning routine & meditation (>10 minutes) ✅ Cold shower 🚿 ✅ Journal for 10 minutes ✍️ ✅ Read for 20 minutes 📖 ✅ Spend 45 minutes outdoors (Tuesday only) 🌲✅ Deep work ✅ Eat only whole foods for 75% of meals over the 3 day period✅ Drink 2 Liters of water each day❌ Workout 🏋️ (Chest, abs, triceps, swimming) ✅ Swimming laps (>30 minutes) (Tuesday only) 🏊 ✅ Study 📖 2 hours at least ❌ Attend a community meeting 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 ❌ Offer positive advice and help to someone who is down on Skool 🫂 ✅ Screens off by 21:00 (9:00pm) 📱 ❌ In bed by 21:30 (9:30pm) 🛌 ❌ Evening routine ✅ Sunday I did a full workout and started doing exercises with a new personal trainer. I took a rest day Monday to travel back to work. Tuesday I swam at the gym but did not workout. I also started eating a little better with bigger meals for breakfast and dinner while reducing lunch. This will be temporary as I believe I am gaining weight now but I am eating more whole food than before. I have also been waking earlier since the other guys in the dorm have been getting up at 4:00.
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