Welcome To The @ My Hockey Training Community! 🌎 Here’s How You Get Started 🏒
WeLcOmE tO DA bEsT HoCkEy TrAiNinG CoMmuNitY iN DA WoRLddddd! 🌎
Appreciate you having the trust to joining us because this community has never been more electric…⚡️
And oh ya 👋 Hi my name is Luke Croucher. Little bit about me, I currently play NCAA Div. 3 just outside of Philadelphia for Neumann University.
The goal in this free hockey training community is to spread the love, share with you my knowledge and help get you past where I’ve been able to rise in my career. Although your aspirations to play at the highest level is no where near easy. It’s something we can work on together. Because in all honestly, it’s only a few changes that need to be made in your life that can actually make a life changing difference for you.
So that being said, I want you to become apart of this community. To engage, get started by just clicking "write something" right above this post 👆 and introduce yourself, share a little bit about the journey and possibly a couple thing’s you’d like to learn inside this community. Don’t worry we are all friend here we don’t bite. 😅 Maybe on occasion though.
THAT MEANS IF YOU ASK A QUESTION you may actually help another 500 of you who have the exact same question. We thank you for your willingness to open up to us!
However, highly recommend you all to treat this as your own! Engage with one another by commenting on each other’s posts. Sending some insane GIFS when you’re hyped up or even telling me how I can improve the community.
Again, I hope you find this community as electric and enjoyable as we do. With an addition of some neutral ground to share anything that’s on your mind. The goal is to help you excel in hockey so anything to do that - we will do.
Recommended Questions To Ask & Share👇
  • At-Home Training
  • Workout Programming
  • On-Ice Drills
  • Hockey Shot Reviews
  • Equipment Your Looking At
  • Reviews of Our Weekly Events
  • Random Questions of curiosity
And that’s it. I’ll be DM’n you shortly to say hello if there’s any questions you’d like to ask in private. 👋
Much love,
Luke Croucher ✌️ 💛
Luke Croucher
Welcome To The @ My Hockey Training Community! 🌎 Here’s How You Get Started 🏒
@My Hockey Training Community
All-Access To Collegiate Level Hockey Training Programs To Help You Become The Best Hockey Player In 90 Days or Less.
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