Embrace The Bulk
I’ve been asked an innumerable amount of times by skinny fat kids wanting to escape that physique and they ask me “how’d you do it?”.
I then tell them that you need to bulk and they come up with every excuse in the book to not bulk. Like dude seriously? How on earth are you gonna gain that muscle you desire with that little protruding belly of yours mate? How are you gonna build up some masculine arms and huge biceps with those twig arms?
Think of it this way, it’s like asking a construction team to build a tower without any material. It’s an outlandish request isn’t it? There’s no way in hell that you can do it without the right material. Think of bulking as you giving yourself that material to build up off of. It’ll help you synthesis muscle as you workout and in return will help you build muscle.
“B-but I-I want s-six pack abs?!”
You’re not gonna get six pack abs if you cut whilst skinny fat, you’re just gonna be skinny.
So turn your brain off and just listen to someone who knows what they’re talking about because I’ve been there! I use to have that weird goblin, gremlin, weird physique where I had a damn near pregnant stomach and skinny frail arms. And the way I got out of that ugly physique was to bulk!
But how do I bulk now that I know it’s the best way long term to build my aesthetic physique?
It’s simple, don’t dirty bulk as you’ll be gaining more fat than muscle. Lean bulk instead, go a +200 caloric surplus or if you like to keep things simple like me just ask for a extra spoonful of food when satiated.
Get to work kings.
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Craig Z
Embrace The Bulk
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