The Memorization Trap & The Power of Creative Thinking
Good morning, legends. Let’s talk about The Memorization Trap. Memorizing things like names is valuable—people’s names are music to their ears, and getting that right builds instant rapport. But there’s a difference between remembering details and developing a mind that can think creatively.
When it comes to names, a few strategies go a long way:
1) If the name reminds you of someone else, make that connection in your head.
2) Picture the person in a ridiculous or memorable scenario to “stamp” the name in your memory.
3) Repeat their name a few times during the conversation.
4) If it’s a tough name or totally new to you, write it down after they leave—just a quick note in your phone.
Now, let me be clear—memorizing is a good skill. As a personal challenge, I memorized all 48 Laws of Power last summer and still have them locked in. But the ability to think creatively will always outshine raw memory. Our school systems often drill us to memorize and regurgitate information, but they rarely teach us how to solve problems by thinking outside the box.
I remember being told I was wrong in school more than once—even when I had the right answer. Why? Because I didn’t follow the teacher’s method. This kind of thinking trains us to believe there’s only one correct way to approach problems, which is a dangerous habit. In life and business, success depends on solving complex challenges in ways that others haven’t thought of. The ones stuck in the rat race often are rule followers who can’t think for themselves, while the leaders and creators forge their own path.
Today’s mission: Break free from those patterns that tell you there’s only one way to think. Start questioning your own beliefs and develop a mindset of curiosity. Challenge yourself to solve problems in new ways. The truth is, creative thinkers create history—they don’t just record someone else’s version of it.
Make today one for the books—think big, think bold, and make every conversation count ❤️‍🔥
Gavin Damasco
The Memorization Trap & The Power of Creative Thinking
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