Balancing Nutrition
My day starts at 4AM and ends around 10PM between work and kids activities. Dinner must be either planned and prepped or insanely simple and quick. But, it has to taste good and I HATE leftovers. Below is a sample of a whoops, I need to make something quick!
Avocado Crab Boats
Crab meat (12-16 oz: lump, claw…whatever is on sale or fresh)
5-6 oz Greek yogurt plain
Fat (healthy)
Avocado (2-3 depending on amt of crab used)
Tony’s (sorry, I’m from Louisiana so no Old Bay for me). You can use salt and cayenne too.
3 TBS lemon juice
Simply mix ingredients
Scoop out avocados, leave a rim
Place a spoonful into each avocado
Top with shredded cheese (cheddar works)
Broil till browned.
Caroah Cohen
Balancing Nutrition
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