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Self-Improvement Challenge

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29 contributions to MONK MODE CHALLENGE
2 Weeks of Monk Mode Changed My Life 🤘🏻
These last to weeks of Monk Mode have been a serious game changer for me. Before starting, I was all over the place. No structure, procrastinating, feeling like I wasn’t getting anywhere with my goals. But just two weeks in, and it feels like I’m already a different person. One of the biggest things for me was cutting out distractions. I didn’t even realize how much time I was wasting on social media, Netflix, you name it. But once I started limiting that and focusing on my daily non-negotiables, everything shifted. I’m more productive, my mind feels clearer, and I’m actually making progress on the stuff that matters. There were times I didn’t feel like doing anything, but I kept reminding myself why I’m doing this. Now, it’s becoming second nature. My habits are finally sticking, and I’m already seeing the benefits. better focus, more discipline, and just feeling more in control of my life. If you’re struggling or feeling like the hype is wearing off, just stick with it. It gets better. Small changes add up real quick.
New comment 3d ago
2 Weeks of Monk Mode Changed My Life 🤘🏻
3 likes • 3d
Sticking to it even when hype has worn off and even after failing a couple of times is the key... Benefits will surely come
Day 14
Are you still locked in? Are you still focused on your goal? I know for me the first time I did a challenge like this, it was easy to lose sight of the long term and turn my eyes to the easy, comfortable habits I used to have. But by choosing to conciously think about "What would future me want me to do right now?" is always a great way to snap back into the discipline and motivation you need to stay focused. These past 5 days ive been off the grid, but never off my mission. And I hope you reading this have not faltered either. Over The weekend I didn't get as much done as I would have liked because of a funeral and because of travel, but in those 2 days, I still managed to stick to my positive habits and avoid negative ones. It's a reminder that life is going to continue on no matter what. It's easy to make excuses and to delay your promises. "Ill wait for the right time: or "I can't right now because I want to wait till next month" and all the blah blah reasons you can make for why you can't prioritize the things YOU KNOW will make you a better person. Don't let life & comfort bully you into thinking you aren't good enough for progress. Don't let old habits force you into identifying as an old version of yourself all your life. And lastly, don't let a day go by living that you go to bed thinking "Damn, I should have done more" Go to bed knowing "I did my best at trying my best today" Let's keep it going
New comment 2d ago
Day 14
1 like • 3d
Very well put! Thank you for the motivation! 💪
You need to "SACRIFICE" someone to level up!
If you want to truly level up, you have to be willing to sacrifice your old self. The habits, mindsets, and excuses that once kept you comfortable are the very things holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself. Transformation requires sacrifice, not just of your time and energy, but of the parts of you that no longer align with where you’re trying to go. This is about letting go of the version of you that settles for mediocrity. It’s about releasing the mindset that says “maybe later” and adopting the mindset that says “I’m doing it now.” It’s about sacrificing distractions, laziness, and fear to embrace the discipline, growth, and challenges that lead to real change. Growth isn’t easy, it’s uncomfortable, it’s a grind, and it takes commitment. But the only way to break free and reach your true potential is to shed the old skin. The real you, the one capable of achieving those big dreams, is waiting on the other side of that sacrifice. If you want different results, you have to be willing to make different decisions. Let go of who you’ve been and step into who you’re meant to be. The next level of your life requires the next level of you.
New comment 4d ago
You need to "SACRIFICE" someone to level up!
0 likes • 4d
Yo! Powerful message!
Hello family, hope all of you are doing well. If not , all is going to be okay, 👌. Most of us struggle with procrastination a lot and it steals away our time without our realization. The best way to deal with this is by taking action. I'm currently reading The magic of Thinking Big and some of the real gem that I've learnt on taking action , I've listed them below. Practice these key points: 1. Be an activationist. Be someone who does things. Be a doer, not a don't-er. 2. Don't wait until conditions are perfect. They never will be. Expect future obstacles and difficulties and solve them as they arise. 3. Remember, ideas alone won't bring success. Ideas have value only when you act upon them. 4. Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. Do what you fear, and fear disappears. Just try it and see. 5. Start your mental engine mechanically. Don't wait· for the spirit to move you. Take action, dig in, and you move the spirit. 6. Think in terms of now. Tomorrow, next week, later; and similar words often are synonymous with the failure word, never. Be an "I'm starting right now" kind of person. 7. Get down to business- ASAP. Don't waste time getting ready to act. Start acting instead. 8. Seize the initiative. Be a crusader. Pick up the ball and run. Be a volunteer. Show that you have the ability and ambition to do. Get it!gear and go! I'm rooting for all of you 💪, keep pushing through, you are going to thank yourself 🤝.
New comment 8d ago
2 likes • 8d
Thank you for this... No. 4 and 5 have hit home hard. I usually wait for the spirit to move me, but it's true once you start an action, the spirit catches up 💯
I just made a big announcement
I recently posted to my socials that I would be an ambasssador for an emerging tech convention called Techsgiving and when I applied I did not think I would I even get selected but by doing this challenge I reminded myself you miss every shot you do not take and Lo and behold I was selected and people were really supportive of me I didn’t think anybody would care but I got plenty of DMs congratulating me and asking to hop on a call to ask about my tech experience it was definitely a confidence booster and reinforced my determination to stay the course even because now people view me in a light I never thought they would and not that I don’t view myself highly I just want to surpass those expectations. Just wanted to share this to encourage those of who are shy to try new things and step outside your comfort zone sometimes because that’s the only way you can grow
New comment 7d ago
I just made a big announcement
2 likes • 8d
Congratulations man! And thank you for posting! I feel like I need this kind of encouragement at times. I downplay my skills a lot and shy off from announcing what am good at or participating, thinking am not good enough and that there are so many others better than I am...
1-10 of 29
Chris Nganga
88points to level up

Active 5h ago
Joined Sep 30, 2024
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