I get talked into things too easily!
So….I was talking to one of the guys at the gym earlier about the daily 300 lunge challenge… He pointed out that with the extra i did on the 31st August, by the end of the month I would’ve done 9300 lunges so I might as well do a bit extra every day to bump it up to 10,000… how can I say no to that? LOL
So here’s my own little record of the extra ones so I can keep track –
4th - 50:700 done ✅💪 vid 1
5th - 100:700 done ✅vid 2
5th - 10 in kick boxing - 110:700
7th - 60 while cooking tea 170:700
9th - 50 done ✅ vid 3 220:700
10th - 160 done ✅ vid 4 380:700
P.s - yes I’m an idiot 😭🔫
BUT if I want to say I’ve done 10000 in sept, I’m going to have to do a few more 😭😭
10th sept - decided going for 10000 total in sept - 380:1000 done ✅
11th - 100 done ✅ while cooking tea 480:1000
12th - 30 in kick boxing ✅ 510:1000
14th - 120 done ✅ 630:1000
17th - 200 done ✅ 830:1000
21st - 120 done ✅ 950:1000
Sheena Vowles
I get talked into things too easily!
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