The Shredder
Just made a video of a killer chest finisher I’ve been doing lately—the Shredder! It’s a superset of dips followed by pushups, and it was shown to me by Steve Newell, who’s been lifting his whole life and is massive. Shoutout to Joe Brockman for naming it “the Shredder” (even though Steve wasn’t a fan of the name 😅).
This superset is perfect to end your chest days. I usually go for 4 sets of 10-12 dips and pushups, but don’t sweat it if you’re only getting 5 pushups at first—just keep at it, and you’ll get stronger over time. It’s a brutal combo, but the results are worth it! Give it a try and let me know how it goes 💪⚡️
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Gavin Damasco
The Shredder
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