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50 contributions to Caliversity
Embrace The Bulk
I’ve been asked an innumerable amount of times by skinny fat kids wanting to escape that physique and they ask me “how’d you do it?”. I then tell them that you need to bulk and they come up with every excuse in the book to not bulk. Like dude seriously? How on earth are you gonna gain that muscle you desire with that little protruding belly of yours mate? How are you gonna build up some masculine arms and huge biceps with those twig arms? Think of it this way, it’s like asking a construction team to build a tower without any material. It’s an outlandish request isn’t it? There’s no way in hell that you can do it without the right material. Think of bulking as you giving yourself that material to build up off of. It’ll help you synthesis muscle as you workout and in return will help you build muscle. “B-but I-I want s-six pack abs?!” You’re not gonna get six pack abs if you cut whilst skinny fat, you’re just gonna be skinny. So turn your brain off and just listen to someone who knows what they’re talking about because I’ve been there! I use to have that weird goblin, gremlin, weird physique where I had a damn near pregnant stomach and skinny frail arms. And the way I got out of that ugly physique was to bulk! But how do I bulk now that I know it’s the best way long term to build my aesthetic physique? It’s simple, don’t dirty bulk as you’ll be gaining more fat than muscle. Lean bulk instead, go a +200 caloric surplus or if you like to keep things simple like me just ask for a extra spoonful of food when satiated. Get to work kings.
New comment 15h ago
Embrace The Bulk
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W transformation
Why 3 Sets of 12 Might Be Killing Your Gains💥
This is for hypertrophy... We’ve all heard the classic advice. 3 sets of 12 reps = hypertrophy. But what if focusing too much on hitting that magic number is actually holding you back? 😲 The real driver of muscle growth isn’t the number of reps, it’s time under tension. Studies show that for hypertrophy, the key is keeping your muscles under tension for 45-60 seconds per set. If you're flying through your sets of 12 too quickly, you're missing out on the full benefits. Instead of just focusing on the number, slow down the tempo. Try taking 4-5 seconds per rep to ensure you're hitting that time under tension sweet spot. Another case that can appear is when mentally you "Save your self for the later sets" For strength volume yes for hypertrophy no... make those reps count, don't cheat them with bad form or speed/ too much momentum... So in conclusion... Stop fixating on the number. Focus on effort, tempo, and time under tension to make every rep count. Have you been speeding through your sets? Or do you adjust your pace for better gains! 💬⬇️ Also disclaimer this is not the case for strength or skill training.
New comment 1d ago
Why 3 Sets of 12 Might Be Killing Your Gains💥
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But that is if you purely just want to focus on building muscle. I think many of us want to build an equally good amount of strength with calisthenics. So I think even though tempo and all is cool, we should leave that to the guys who wanna do bodybuilding or mainly just build their physiques without focusing too much on strength. Because as long as you're getting stronger on the basic lifts, you'll gain a shit ton of muscle too. Obviously cheating the reps and shit is wrong, but doing reps with power or going fast with the reps doesn't harm your muscle growth either. The idea should be to perform controlled reps with full range of motion, slow tempo is optional.
Will this progress be linear?
Basically, I've been training for almost 2 years by now, and can say that I'm past my beginner phase and in my intermediate phase rn. In the past 2 weeks, I've tweaked my programme a little, focusing more on intensity and less on volume to maximise strength. For anyone who wants specific details, basically its a 1x3 + 1x5 for RIR 0 - 2. In the past 2 weeks, I've added 5 kg to my dips and pullups, and 10kg to my squats. I was wondering if theres any way to keep this progress linear? Like I know I'll slowly and steadily start plateauing, but nonetheless, is there any way I could keep the progress linear, because it just feels TOO good to be adding weight almost every other week. Thoughts?
New comment 3d ago
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@William Bouchard thats one way to see things in an optimistic manner. gotchu. thanks man
40 kg pullup PR
Imma get straight to the point. I pulled 40kgs for 1 rep for the first time. I don't know what to say the chin went over the bar very slightly I couldn't even feel it. You guys decide if it counts or not. I'm doing it next week just in case y'all feel like it doesn't count. Does it count?
5 members have voted
New comment 16h ago
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Definitely counts. Good job man. Making my way there ASAP. Better not slack off now 😈
New Training Experiment
I am making this experiment and would like everybody to try it out as well so I can get some feedback. Basically, you are just doing exercises while focusing on form and doing it relatively lightly, so you should not feel too tired after doing it. The main focus is to build the mind muscle connection and really get your nervous system used to the perfect form for the perfect and most optimal output. For example, if you can do 25 push ups, do like 5 push ups with control and perfect form and just throw it in every day, so do the 5 push ups basically whenever you want like every hour or something. It should be very easy to complete so you can even do multiple different muscle groups. I will do a check in every week so I can gather some feedback, let me know how it goes!
New comment 5d ago
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That sounds good, but that is more or less just focusing on perfecting your technique, which I think you will either ways if you were to focus on strength. Doing low reps, with not too much fatigue but still focusing on overload is something Pavel Tsatsouline, a former USSR Military Trainer promotes (you can read about his programme in a book called "Easy Strength", which he wrote with Dan John). If you decrease the intensity and the volume, then you should increase your frequency because from what I've read, if one of those three variables is high, then the other two must be low and vice versa
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@Matthew Kan good point. i wish you the best tho
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Aditya Mishra
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