The great influx of POM PA.
In a few days there will be what I call "the great influx of POM PA" which is gonna be a turning point for our community, let me explain. So I'm planning on making a story on my instagram page which totals 180k subs at the moment directing people to our great community but for this I need something to attract them, so I've been experimenting with the "classroom" feature which allows me to make courses and when we think of it the vast majoritiy of my following on instagram wants thicker hands/forearms and maybe neck, so I thought about making the ULTTIIMMATE POM PA GUIDE on how to grow those three as my first course with an autistic amount of details especially for the hands as it's a very complicated topic.
So I have to know bois, ARE WE READY for the great influx of POM PA ? how many brothers will we add to our great community with this story ? Is it gonna be too much thus leading to the fall of our great empire ? I can't wait to discover what awaits us, but for now, I've got courses to work on.
We are ready.
Absolute mayhem awaits us.
Thou shall POM PA.
55 votes
Roger C
The great influx of POM PA.
The Honored Few
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