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Members Increasing
When I first joined here there were only about 200 members now there are 658! We’re not just growing in numbers. We ar building a movement. Every single one of you is here for a reason! To learn, to share, and most importantly, to better yourselves. - My goal : become him
New comment 15h ago
Am new here
New comment 2d ago
Improving social skills
Whenever i talk to a person that is not a friend ive known for 5 years, i feel like im very boring to talk to, conversations end way quicker than i want to, usually the other person starts texting dry or dont respond at all. At the moment im really focussed on school, mma and gym, i dont really do anything else, should i change and how should i become more interesting to talk to?
New comment 3d ago
Dealing with temptation
I'm still working on not giving into temptation, for example every 2 weeks or so I cheat on my diet once or twice. I'm still loosing weight like I need to, but I worry that doing so is planting seeds that will grow into failure in the long run. Is there any methods you have all implemented to stay on track, or is this one of those things where I need to man the fuck up?
Responding to posts soon
hey bro I'm trying to finish quick the video so I can upload it today, here is a pic of when I started my channel lmao I was trying to do edits of myself with abolutely no value or things teached ahahahah brb.
New comment 4d ago
Responding to posts soon
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The Honored Few
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