Write something
One thing that really stood out was “guard your yeses and deal out your nos”. I’ve been working on checking in with myself before I say yes to things. (Is this something I really want to do? Do I have the time- with my plans/schedule created? Am I saying yes for the right reason or am I people pleasing?) I was also shocked about the important but not urgent quadrant. I am realizing that the sense of urgency is what brings the stress. I love the journaling and planning ideas as well- using them this week!
Time Allotted
I never thought about it, but the way Parkinson's Law explains things really fits into all aspects of our everyday lives, whether it's kids, family, work, or school. Time management is something I have really had to learn. And it is very true- if you are given longer to get something done, most people will drag it out and it will take way longer than it really needs to. I actually print out a calendar every month. I color code my kids appointments, school lectures, lab days, hospital days, work schedules.........pretty much everything!
Hunting - a sport? 👏 yes sir. Yes ma’am.
I have been hunting for years! The hike in and out calculated to about 8,000 steps today because I forgot something in the truck. Lol what are some of your hobbies that get you moving? I love hunting. Hiking. Kayaking. Golfing. I also own a media agency and go out taking pictures and videos. So I am pretty active even when working. ❤️☮️☺️ Being active is a lifestyle not a set number of minutes in a gym to me. Find your active.
Hunting - a sport? 👏 yes sir. Yes ma’am.
The Box
Just checking in with the group after having interaction today with someone who I realized has been actively trying to hold me back. Under the guise of support I listened to all of the reasons why what I’m doing is not necessary and perhaps even a negative. It was like a light bulb went off for me. In the past I would have doubted myself. Today I just disassociated knowing that I choose who stays in my life and I’m trying to move forward and put me first and surround myself with like minded supportive people. It was actually so much better than fretting over anything they said. I’m perfectly content knowing what needs to happen for me.
This week would have really thrown me off track and I usually would just give up, say I’ll start over next week, there’s too much going on, etc. But I’m so proud of sticking with it even though it’s been one of the most stressful weeks ever. And honestly, it’s helped me get some of my stress out instead of it all weighing on my chest.
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