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31 contributions to The Honored Few
Bulking or maintenance?
I'm curently 85kgs 183 cm, i pack some fat and didn't train for 6 months, should i eat at maintenance to get rid of the fat and then bulk? What would you guys do in my situation?
New comment 25d ago
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Want to get rid of your addictions?
Some of you might know the book "The Body Keeps The Score" by Bessel van der Kolk. I read it this evening and it's absolutely mind-blowing so far. THIS snippet will reframe your view on it: "Many traumatized people seem to seek out experiences that would repel most of us, and patients often complain about a vague sense of emptiness and boredom when they are not angry, under duress, or involved in some dangerous activity. My patient Julia was brutally r*ped at gunpoint in a hotel room at age sixteen. Shortly thereafter she got involved with a violent pimp who prostituted her. He regularly beat her up. She was repeatedly jailed for prostitution, but she always went back to her pimp. Finally her grandparents intervened and paid for an intense rehab program. After she successfully completed inpatient treatment, she started working as a receptionist and taking courses at a local college. In her sociology class she wrote a term paper about the liberating possibilities of prostitution, for which she read the memoirs of several famous prostitutes. She gradually dropped all her other courses. A brief relationship with a classmate quickly went sour—he bored her to tears, she said, and she was repelled by his boxer shorts. She then picked up an addict on the subway who first beat her up and then started to stalk her. She finally became motivated to return to treatment when she was once again severely beaten" This is a tough story but noticed how it CLICKED in your mind? Maybe, and this is just my theory, we keep going back to addictions because it traumatized us the first we got in contact with it. (special reference to p*rn here) Most guys who "can't stop" watching p*rn have one common denominator in their situation: - their first experience with p*rn was at a young age Subsequently, they become traumatized. And everytime they decide to watch it again, they want to practice control. "This time I can control the situation, this time I won't do..." "This time I won't watch this genre..."
New comment 25d ago
2 likes • 25d
Interesting. Never thought of it that way. However for me its getting better tho. Never think: "Because i failed now, i can get back to it anyways." That was the biggest mistake i did.
I'm losing all motivation to workout... help
I was becoming consistent for a few months, but it has been around 3 weeks since getting in one proper workout, and I feel terrible about it. How do you motivate yourself?
New comment 29d ago
1 like • 29d
There sadly is no easy way to victory for most of us. There is this Spotify "channel" called "Motivational Audio" just listen to a podcast from them for ten minutes. For me then I will be motivated. But to be great longterm you need discipline. I view it as an opportunity for me when I am not motivated and everything speaks against working out in that moment and I still do it. Then you prove yourself you can do it under any condition and so with normal condition it becomes easy. This will switch into you training everyday and suddenly waiting for a day where you dont want to train so you can train your mind on that day. May sound weird. Works for me tho. Youre awaiting the day, where you dont feel like going to the gym. Thats whats starts to exite you. Because those are the days where it really counts and where you prove to yourself what youre made of. Normal so called "good workout days" are just the byproduct. I search for the nasty days where it rains and nobody is outside and nobody wants to train. On those days I feel the best feeling ever when I workout and I cant find a word for it.
Porn blocker PC
Hey dose anyone know a good porn blocker for PC that i can use to overcome Lust?
New comment 29d ago
0 likes • Aug 20
@Yağız Yenice I dont experience that. I sometimes Masturbate like 10 mins. before i workout so i can think clear it doenst bother me if i do it physically, only mentally it does. But if i dont do it it botherd me physically and mentally so i choose the lesser evil. But your experience would affect me enough to stop entirely if my energy is deproved next day after masturbating. For me next day i have to masturbate agsin to get it out of my head again.
0 likes • Aug 20
@Yağız Yenice rip bro, sounds very bad. If i would masturbate one everning. The next morning i sometimes wake up with a boner and have to do it again. I never experience any tiredness or so. As i said i sometimes do it right before my workout so i get a clear head and dont think about sexual stuff.
protein intake
how much of my gains will be affected if do not have enough protein intake, for eg less than 30 grams,, i am 5 11 with 72-74 kgs
New comment Aug 20
1 like • Aug 20
If you need 200g of protein per day but eat 100g, you will make half of your potential gains because you body will only have half of what he needs to rebuild the beoken down muslce fibre. Most important is your diet. Then comes training. Then comes genetics. Then comes recovery. But the one thing that stands above all is persistence and consistency. You can have the best diet, best workout, best genetics and best recovery but if you only do it for a few weeks you will get no where.
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Constantin V
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Joined Aug 10, 2024
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