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Skippy's Social Vault

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7 contributions to Skippy's Social Vault
Sleep 🛌
I’m finding my self still awake after more than 90 minutes of closed eyes and slow breathing! This is a thing that really triggers me because … after 4 years of night school where students would finish at 12 in the evening plus dinner and way back home… my mental routine it’s still the same! I can’t fall a sleep before 12 in the evening! What’s about that? My father wants to give me some medicine 💊 to sleep but then I wake up like a zombie! What should I do?
4 members have voted
New comment 21h ago
Sleep 🛌
3 likes • 3d
try no phones/screens at least 1-2 hours before bed, don’t eat or drink anything right before bed, make sure your room is clean… i would avoid medicine as best u can. i have other alternatives but try these for now it will make a difference
1 like • 21h
@Jeff Damasco love this i need to start doing that too
How to Silence the 'Bitch Voice' and Take Your Shot
So tonight, I had one of those moments that really puts you to the test. I was heading down to my apartment gym, just planning to stretch. I was the only one there at first, but then a girl walked in. We made eye contact, and she smiled. I kept doing my thing—stretching and journaling about a post on the importance of stretching—but then I decided to write down, “I’m going to walk up to her and simply ask her opinion on stretching and her routine.” That’s when the “bitch voice” kicked in, whispering, “Dude, you’re exhausted, you probably shouldn’t go up to her.” But then the other voice—the one I’ve developed—spoke up. It said, “Imagine how good you’re going to be at approaching if you can do it right now, in this state.” This is the same mindset I take into the gym: when I don’t want to go, that’s exactly when I have to go. So I decided, screw it, and walked up to her. I asked if I could get her opinion on something, and she started showing me a couple of basic stretches she does. I mentioned that my body’s messed up and I need a solid routine. Here’s where your body language becomes key. Fidgeting or looking uncomfortable immediately lowers your social value. So, I stood in a relaxed position, slightly turned away from her, like I didn’t care too much if she was there or not. Keep it cool, like you could walk away at any moment. She mentioned she had just moved here two weeks ago, and since I’d moved here a few months ago, we chatted briefly about that. Here’s another important tip: don’t ask for a girl’s name. When she asks your name, it’s an Indicator of Interest (IOI), which she did. I told her my nickname, Skippy, and it got a reaction—unusual nicknames are great for that. We kept talking, and she said something a bit odd after I told her I’m going to finish up my stretching—she mentioned she'd be watching me stretch in the mirror. I took that as another IOI. Then, as I was stretching, she moved closer to me. This is a classic move from girls who are interested but maybe shy—they won’t make direct eye contact or approach, but they’ll position themselves near you, waiting for you to engage.
New comment 21h ago
1 like • 21h
this is hypeee- even in a gym where a lot of people don’t want to be approached. you came off friendly wanting to know about what she was doing rather than coming across like you’re trying to smash (whether ur trying to or not).
The Memorization Trap & The Power of Creative Thinking
Good morning, legends. Let’s talk about The Memorization Trap. Memorizing things like names is valuable—people’s names are music to their ears, and getting that right builds instant rapport. But there’s a difference between remembering details and developing a mind that can think creatively. When it comes to names, a few strategies go a long way: 1) If the name reminds you of someone else, make that connection in your head. 2) Picture the person in a ridiculous or memorable scenario to “stamp” the name in your memory. 3) Repeat their name a few times during the conversation. 4) If it’s a tough name or totally new to you, write it down after they leave—just a quick note in your phone. Now, let me be clear—memorizing is a good skill. As a personal challenge, I memorized all 48 Laws of Power last summer and still have them locked in. But the ability to think creatively will always outshine raw memory. Our school systems often drill us to memorize and regurgitate information, but they rarely teach us how to solve problems by thinking outside the box. I remember being told I was wrong in school more than once—even when I had the right answer. Why? Because I didn’t follow the teacher’s method. This kind of thinking trains us to believe there’s only one correct way to approach problems, which is a dangerous habit. In life and business, success depends on solving complex challenges in ways that others haven’t thought of. The ones stuck in the rat race often are rule followers who can’t think for themselves, while the leaders and creators forge their own path. Today’s mission: Break free from those patterns that tell you there’s only one way to think. Start questioning your own beliefs and develop a mindset of curiosity. Challenge yourself to solve problems in new ways. The truth is, creative thinkers create history—they don’t just record someone else’s version of it. Make today one for the books—think big, think bold, and make every conversation count ❤️‍🔥
New comment 17h ago
1 like • 21h
great point- names and qualities people have are so important to remember in order to have conversations with those same individuals again and to look like you actually cared to remember details about them (which you should care to know and not just want to look like you know)
Craigs Field Report #1
Field report coming in y’all. I was walking to the store today looking sexy as hell, looking fresh. I was running an errand with my mom and dad, we chilled for a bit and we proceeded to walk home as the store isn’t too far from our house. We begin walking up this hill and I see that I’m way past them. As I was walking up I see two girls walking down my direction, my heart begins pounding as I haven’t been outside for a while. I felt like saying nothing but I said to myself “shut the fuck up and just say hi.” Who cares what happens, if they don’t say anything it’s cool, if they say hi back I can start a short convo. To make my heart beat slower I start doing deep belly breathes, in through the nose and out through the mouth. And so that’s what I did. I took my deep breath, I said hi and at first they didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds. Then out of nowhere the short one said “You so handsome” and the other said “Ooo yo shoes look so nice” and my smile grew even bigger. I ask them if they were new here and they said yes and smiled, I then say “I’ll see you around then” and we part ways. That’s a win in my book, this interaction is showing me the importance of just being outside and being around people to stay socially calibrated.
New comment 21h ago
0 likes • 21h
definitely a win… it can never hurt to be nice and say hi
Music 🎧
For training do you listen to music? I know it might sound odd but… I heard a video about the effects that music bring to the brain and ain’t that good apparently. Depends of course form the music🎶 ! Is there any explanation about what’s good or bad? Or it’s just personal taste? It’s weird because in my case music gaves me only the motivation to actually star, rather than working out with it! What are your thoughts about it!? Should someone just do what it feels like doing or… learn to listen better music? Does the voice really influence ur way of thinking ?🤔
New comment 17h ago
Music 🎧
1 like • 21h
this is a good point to bring up… honestly i change the music i listen to every workout so i’d just pick whatever you like listening to. however, more upbeat music might be more beneficial as slower music could influence you to move more leisurely
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Garrett Stewart
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Joined Oct 6, 2024
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