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The Connection Between Pulling Girls & Crushing Sales
Let’s talk about something a lot of people overlook: If you can pull girls, you can sell. I’ve noticed this firsthand—most of my friends who are good with women are also out there crushing it in sales. It’s not a coincidence. The same social dynamics are at play in both situations—master one, and you’ve already got the blueprint for the other. Whether you’re closing a deal or sparking attraction, it’s all about confidence, reading the room, handling objections, and knowing how to communicate value. 1️⃣ It’s All About Value Exchange • When you’re talking to a girl, you’re not just chatting—you’re communicating social value. Whether it’s humor, confidence, status, or body language, you’re showing why you’re worth her time. • In sales, you’re doing the same thing—highlighting how your product or service solves a problem or adds value to someone’s life. 2️⃣ Reading Social Cues is Key • Both in dating and sales, it’s about reading subtle cues: Is she interested? Is she testing you? Do you need to slow down or take the conversation in a new direction? • With a customer, the same applies: What are they looking for? What objections do they have? What’s really holding them back? The better you get at reading people, the more success you’ll have. 3️⃣ Rejection is Just Part of the Process • Guys who succeed with women don’t fear rejection or overcame that fear. They understand it’s part of the game, and they’re always refining their approach. • In sales, every “no” brings you closer to a “yes.” The mindset is the same: Detach emotionally from the outcome and focus on the process. 4️⃣ Confidence and Control Win Every Time • Whether you’re talking to a girl or closing a sale, confidence is everything. People can sense if you believe in yourself and your offer. And the more you practice, the easier it gets to hold that confident frame, come off conversationally, laid back, and flip the dynamic: No one wants to be sold to, they like to buy. The Takeaway? If you’re already skilled in either pulling or selling, you’ve got transferable skills waiting to be unlocked. The same principles of value, social awareness, resilience, and confidence apply to both. Hone those abilities, and you’ll win in social situations, business, and life.
Music 🎧
For training do you listen to music? I know it might sound odd but… I heard a video about the effects that music bring to the brain and ain’t that good apparently. Depends of course form the music🎶 ! Is there any explanation about what’s good or bad? Or it’s just personal taste? It’s weird because in my case music gaves me only the motivation to actually star, rather than working out with it! What are your thoughts about it!? Should someone just do what it feels like doing or… learn to listen better music? Does the voice really influence ur way of thinking ?🤔
New comment 17h ago
Music 🎧
Sleep 🛌
I’m finding my self still awake after more than 90 minutes of closed eyes and slow breathing! This is a thing that really triggers me because … after 4 years of night school where students would finish at 12 in the evening plus dinner and way back home… my mental routine it’s still the same! I can’t fall a sleep before 12 in the evening! What’s about that? My father wants to give me some medicine 💊 to sleep but then I wake up like a zombie! What should I do?
4 members have voted
New comment 21h ago
Sleep 🛌
Should I do an habit tracker ?
What would you suggest I put as a non negociable habits?
4 members have voted
New comment 3d ago
The Confidence to Act Now
One of the biggest reasons people don’t approach someone in public is the list of excuses they create in their heads. “They’re too busy.” “I’ll come off awkward.” and even “They wouldn’t want to talk to me” But here’s the truth: those excuses are just walls built by fear. They aren’t real. Every moment spent rationalizing why you shouldn’t approach is a missed opportunity to step into your power. As John D. Rockefeller once said, “Smart people use their minds to find reasons why things shouldn’t be done.” Instead of focusing on the barriers, shift your mindset to: “How can I make this happen?” Rockefeller would ask himself every day, “How can I do better?” Never “Can I?” because improvement is always possible. This change in perspective is what separates those who take action from those who stand still. When you approach someone, there’s no room for hesitation. That’s where the 3-second rule comes into play—an idea from The Game by Neil Strauss. If you see someone you want to talk to, give yourself just three seconds to take action. Don’t overthink it. Count in your head—one, two, three—and go. This rule forces you to silence doubt and move with intent. If you take longer than that, you risk overanalyzing the situation and might end up standing there, staring, which can come off as creepy. I’ll admit, I still get nervous before I approach—it’s natural. But over time, I’ve built a mindset that views rejection as a positive. Every “no” is a lesson, a step forward in growth, and a reminder that taking action is always better than standing still. Rejection is never personal, and each experience sharpens your confidence for the next time. But here’s another common mistake: approaching someone directly from behind or straight on, especially women—it can be startling and off-putting. Instead, come in from an angle, allowing them to see you approach in a more relaxed and natural way. Once you’re there, it’s not just about what you say, but how you listen. The goal is to improve as a listener with every conversation, because listening is an art—and one of the most essential skills you can develop.
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