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Distance or elevation or both?
Right, next 1/2 is in less than 4 weeks, 3 weekends = 3 long runs - do I concentrate on distance or elevation? Blackdowns had 1700ft elevation, Quantocks as 1000 more at 2700 ish ft - obviously I had a plan… involved running that elevation & hitting 13.1+ miles during august but naughty foot stopped that - now I have limited time & I don’t know what’s best to do - try to hit elevation and worry less about the distance, do the reverse & concentrate on hitting miles or try to make sure all 3 long runs are hilly & 1/2 marathon distance - problem is, I know that i will be shattered if I tick all the boxes, ot will be a shock to the body as not built up - it might do more harm than good 😕 - there’s just not enough time now to train properly - @Sunny Durman what do you think? Unless I try hilly shorter runs during the week (8 ish miles) and moderately hilly long run on the weekend 🤷‍♀️
New comment 3d ago
1/2 marathon fueling
@Sunny Durman the last 1/2 I did, I belted it round (for me anyway lol) had hr above 80% for over 2.5hrs 😭 - I had energy chews (30g carbs) used one 4-5 miles, one 8 miles and I hit the wall big time by 9miles, felt awful from then on, took another chew but I don’t think anything was going to help. I would like to say that I’ve learnt to pace myself better, and while I know better than to sprint off the line, I will be pushing hard again - any helpful tips on not hitting the wall or hitting it further into the run? I will have an isotonic, hydration drink this time in a 2 litre bladder on my back rather than the 400ml of water I had last time so maybe that will make a difference 🤷‍♀️ I know some say that I should be able to do that fasted, or on my normal breakfast without fueling during the run but I don’t think that takes into account how hard I push myself on these things - last time I took 20 mins off my trail 1/2 time so yeah, on race day, I’m not holding nothing back and my body can’t quite keep up 🤣🤣
New comment 3d ago
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New comment 11d ago
Leg press or lunges 🤔
Hey @Sunny Durman guess what…I have a question… With leg press, I put feet in different positions - high, low, mid narrow & mid wide to work different muscles - how do lunges compare for working the muscles I work with leg press? Do the lunges work the same muscles as leg press - just trying to work out whether to drop leg press for the month while we are doing lunges 🤔 (I drop leg exercises the week before a 1/2 so they aren’t tired on the day so not done leg press since starting this challenge)
New comment 12d ago
Any running tips? I've just completed the couch to 5k to try a different exercise but if I miss any it can set me right back, I always feel like I'm battling with it instead of getting easier!
New comment Aug 7
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